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Sep 25, 2017, 9 tweets

We all want to know this right - does my #cat really love me? And if not, WHY?
🐈 🐈 🐈…

Cats can’t tell us how they’re feeling, but if we watch their behaviour closely we can work out a lot.

The things you see your cat doing are probably what it enjoys. If it gets the chance to do these things then your #cat is probably happy.

Your cat can also show they're unhappy. How? It might hide away under a bed or in a cupboard, and show no interest in playing/interacting.

Is your cat pacing around, or seeking your attention by meowing constantly? Those are both signs it's probably unhappy.

Some cats can also urinate in the wrong places when they are unhappy - it might be an idea to take it to the vet.

But back to the main question - if your cat likes a cuddle on your lap and purrs when you pat it then it probably likes you.

However, if your cat doesn’t like these things, don’t panic! Some cats are friendlier than others, and your cat might not like to be cuddled

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