Juan J. Castillo Profile picture
Regional Health and Air Quality Advisor at PAHO/WHO. Committed to building a healthier environment for everyone. Tweets are personal opinions.

Oct 7, 2017, 6 tweets

If you are interested in #AirPollution and health scroll down this thread #AirQuality #BreatheLife

#AirPollution is considered the most important environmental risk causing 1 in 8 premature deaths. That counts 6.5 million per year.

At least 80% of the world population is exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution. Lack of #AirQuality data could cause underestimations

Mortality is not the only impact: #COPD, #Asthma, #LungCancer and #strokes are included. As new research is developed the list is growing

Children, elderly and pregnant are the most vulnerable population. Cumulative life time exposure will make the problem bigger next years

The Air Quality Index provides recommendations about what to do to protect your health during air pollution events #BreatheLife #London

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