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Data Scientist/Musician/Participant in the General Confusion @trutherbotprop Resist autocracy and research/counter disinformation. I serve the realm.

Oct 19, 2017, 7 tweets

Who RT's like this? C'mon!

The hashtag #ClintonRussiaCollusion has been making the rounds recently. A brief look at its spread. . .

Network diagram of accounts tweeting the hashtag. Lines indicate reply/RT relationships, more RTs/replies = bigger bubble.

A group of accounts amplify SparkleSoup45, southern4MAGA, and Pink_About_it's tweets by adding "RT name" to the tweet instead of RTing.

22 accounts that tweeted #ClintonRussiaCollusion also showed this odd RT behavior 1500+ times overall and have fewer than 10 real RTs.

As a final note, roughly an hour before the #ClintonRussiaCollusion hashtag came into use, Julian Assange tweeted this. Total coincidence.

#Calexit organizer Louis Marinelli, recently returned from Russia, jumps on the Clinton/Russia propaganda bandwagon.

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