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Where art and science meet! Admin by @TheLabArtist

Nov 4, 2017, 9 tweets

Hey! @FlyingTrilobite here.
If you want to know more about #sciart and hiring a science illustrator for your #scicomm, here's a thread.

So You Want to Hire a Science Illustrator - by @FlyingTrilobite for @Symbiartic back when we were on @sciam:

What If All the Images Went Away? A look at #scicomm without visuals. It's a boring world, yo.

I've been #sciart blogging for 10 years.
Here are 13 Things I've Learned About Being a Science Artist Online:

It's vital to pick not just an on-topic image for your #scicomm, but the *right* image. Artists can help.

Over the years, I've done a lot of public speaking about the intersection of art & science.

Here's how to talk to a roomful of artists who are better than you.
#sciart #scicomm #publicspeaking glendonmellow.com/blog/2016/11/3…

It's unfortunately true that sometimes the way to turn new heads toward an issue is by RANTING.
#scicomm blogs.scientificamerican.com/symbiartic/gle…

Enjoy those links for now: I'll be back to talk about copyright vs sharing. Right now, a nice chilly bike ride in Toronto's ravine system.

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