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Nov 24, 2017, 10 tweets

It’s the International Day to End Violence Against Women.
1 in 3 👩🏽 have experienced physical and/or sexual violence.
STOP violence against women and girls!
#16Days #OrangeTheWorld

Violence against women takes multiple forms:

Intimate partner violence
Female Genital Mutilation
Forced and early marriages

STOP violence against women and girls!
#16Days #OrangeTheWorld

Women who suffer violence are more likely to experience:

Self-harm or suicide
Unwanted pregnancies
Sexually transmitted infections

#ENDviolence against women and girls!
#16Days #OrangeTheWorld

Here's how health providers can support women who have experienced violence.
Do no harm, respect their wishes.
#ENDviolence against women and girls! #16days #OrangeTheWorld

Women who experience partner violence are twice as likely to suffer from depression. #ENDviolence against women and girls! #16Days #OrangeTheWorld

Intimate partner violence and sexual violence are the most common forms of violence experienced by 🙍‍♀️ globally. They happen in ALL countries across the world.
#ENDviolence against women and girls! #16Days #OrangeTheWorld

Almost 750 million women and girls alive today were married before their 18th birthday.

Girls who marry in childhood are at greater risk for intimate partner violence than girls of the same age who marry later

#16Days #OrangeTheWorld

Women and girls experiencing violence need support and services, but feel shame, face stigma and lack support from families and communities.
#ENDviolence against women and girls! #16Days #OrangeTheWorld

Learn the signs of relationship abuse. #ENDviolence against women and girls!
🎥: @UN_Women
#16Days #OrangeTheWorld

The violence experienced by women and girls is rooted in gender inequality. #GenderEquality is essential to #ENDviolence against women and girls. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld

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