Brynna Quillin Profile picture
she/her | now: digital @StandUpAmerica | prev: the Hub Project, @dccc, @CoryBooker, @American_Bridge, @kennedy_school, & more | always: go bears @Cal 🐻

Dec 13, 2017, 23 tweets

Activists are back on the Hill engaging in civil disobedience to protest the #GOPTaxScam. Actions to be happening all day. First one was in front of @RepMimiWalters’s office @popdemoc @womensmarch

Woke up this morning with my mind set on freedom, justice, and health care. Headed to the #NotOnePenny rally.

.@SenBobCasey shaking hands and thanking the activists as they head over to the Senate side for more actions

Activists flood @lisamurkowski’s to ask her to vote no on the #GOPTaxScam

.@AdyBarkan heads into meet with @lisamurkowski as activists take over the hallway outside her office @popdemoc

Chants of “shame!” break out outside of @lisamurkowski’s office

Arrests happening outside of @lisamurkowski’s office have forced activists down the hall. Now they are chanting “No Jones, no vote!”

The crowd applauds as activists who were arrested in @lisamurkowski’s office are escorted out

Inside @JerryMoran’s office now. Activists from Kansas speak: “Without provisions like the individual mandate, I’d be dead.”

Activists begin their sit in at @JerryMoran’s office and chant “kill this bill Moran!”

Dozens engage in civil disobedience outside of @JerryMoran’s office

Officers begin arresting those sitting-in as chants of “Arrest the lobbyists!” break out

.@SenBobCorker just happens to walk through the crowd. People yell out to him, “Kill the bill, be a hero!”

Activists from Maine and @AdyBarkan enter @SenatorCollins’ office for a meeting

Protesters were waiting quietly in the halls after two warnings when officers yelled to start arrests because they started snapping. According to the officers, speaking or doing anything in louder than a “tourist voice” constitutes protesting and is grounds for arrest.

We’ve been outside of @SenatorCollins’ office for awhile now because she actually brought the activists in for a meeting. Good on her—first time I’ve seen a Member of Congress do that in awhile.

Hopefully she #ListentoAdy and does the right thing

Activists return from their meeting with @SenatorCollins and report back she doesn’t say she’ll vote no on the bill. Chants of “shame!” break out. “I’m so disappointed in her,” @AdyBarkan says.

Activists begin sit-ins after @SenatorCollins doesn’t say she’ll vote no on the #GOPTaxScam

Activists chant “kill the bill, don’t kill us!” after they are arrested outside of @SenatorCollins’ office

One activist sings “This Land is Your Land” as officers escort her away from @SenatorCollins office

.@AdyBarkan and other Arizonans head into @JeffFlake’s office. Will you #ListenToAdy this time?

Sit-ins begin outside of @JeffFlake’s office

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