Kate Long Profile picture

Mar 11, 2018, 15 tweets

Tonight's vintage mag tweets are about women's access to education, and the points where they've been restricted either through institutional bias or individual.

Were you a girl who went to a grammar school? If so, well done. You had to get a higher pass mark than a boy sitting the same exam.

Oh yes, you read that right.

Were you a woman who managed to gain a place at uni to read medicine? Well done. You had to get higher entry grades than a man.

And remember, medical schools had strict quotas for female students.

Which obviously impacted on the number of women getting into those professions.

Here's Paddington medical college boasting that it pushes the 15% quota to anything up to 25% - imagine the generosity.

How's this for a bit of twisted logic?

Yes, this was progress, but you can see the damage that had been done by an industry that not only refused to train women, but to employ them at the end of that training.

Here's Oxford University in the mid 70s grudgingly admitting a few women 'because the men aren't up to scratch'.

Educating women is seen as an 'experiment', to be reviewed.

This is why women's colleges matter! And why women's bursaries and scholarships and support programmes are so valuable!

And once again, this discrimination must have had an impact on #WASPI women because it was yet another way of depriving them of their true earning capacity.

Anyway. That's all for tonight, but I'll finish this batch on Thursday. xx

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