Charles Lister Profile picture
Director of @MEI_Syria & @MEI_CTE at @MiddleEastInst. Founder

Mar 15, 2018, 6 tweets

U.S. National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster:

- If we are to follow our promise, ‘Never Again,’ we must not just remember, we must act…

Unfortunately today, in #Syria, we are faced with some of the worst atrocities known to man committed by the #Assad regime… and #ISIS.

H.R. McMaster, talking #Syria at @HolocaustMuseum:

The U.S. is declassifying intelligence that exposes #Assad’s terrible crimes… including last year, when we released satellite imagery that appeared to show a crematorium, located in a regime prison outside #Damascus.

H.R. McMaster, talking #Syria at @HolocaustMuseum:

Unfortunately, many of our attempts to protect civilians… were impeded by #Assad, #Iran & #Russia.

Since 2012, #Tehran has provided more than $16bn to the regime… and transported foreign Shia militias & weapons to Syria.

HR McMaster:

#Iran is not #Assad’s only sponsor; #Russia has bombed civilian areas, provided political cover for Assad’s crimes… done nothing to ensure delivery of aid, or to respect ceasefires & UN resolutions… it's impeded OPCW efforts to investigate CW use in #Syria.

HR McMaster, on #Syria at @HolocaustMuseum:

#Russia conducted 20+ bombing missions on #EasternGhouta every day… Russia is responsible for #Skripal CW attack…

It is time to impose serious political consequences on #Moscow & #Tehran” for helping #Assad commit his atrocities.

Powerful speech by HR McMaster.

But it’s hard to swallow all the “we must act” talk, while we’re doing exactly the opposite.

One district of #Damascus, #EastGhouta, was hit by x2 chlorine attacks yesterday alone.

+ 300+ airstrikes
+ 571 ground-ground rockets
+ 164 barrel bombs

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