Bob E. Hayes Profile picture
PhD in industrial-organizational psych. Interests in #datascience #cx #statistics #machinelearning

Mar 21, 2018, 6 tweets

1/6 Data and the Quest for Truth: A short cartoon talking about the value of data in establishing truth. First, distinguish between matters of opinion and matters of fact.

#datascience #scientificmethod #machinelearning

#think2018 #IBMPartner @ibmanalytics

2/6 You can have a preference and that’s cool. You like one thing. I like another. We run into problems when we argue about verifiable facts. Watch out for #confirmationbias

#datascience #analytics #confirmationbias

#think2018 #IBMPartner

3/6 Ignoring evidence can impact people around you… and that’s bad. We live in a #BigData in which everything is quantified. To solve our problems, we need to become data-literate.

#datascience #machinelearning

#think2018 #IBMPartner

4/6 We have way too much data to sift through manually by #datascientists. Let’s leverage #ArtificialIntelligence and #MachineLearning, giving humanity (as well as your business) a fighting chance.

#think2018 #IBMPartner

5/6 Knowledge of #statistics helps you maneuver in our quantified world. Like we use #math to send a rocket to Mars, we use math to understand our customers’ orbit to hit them with the right message at the right time.


#think2018 #IBMPartner

6/6 To make better decisions, you have to know what’s real and what isn’t. The truth lets you create better solutions, ones that are founded in fact, not fantasy.


#think2018 #IBMPartner

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