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Mar 23, 2018, 40 tweets

1) This is my #Qanon update for posts by Q between March 21 and the present.
Q posts can be found here (including posts under Q's new tripcode):

My theme for this series: Enjoy The Show

2) After another bomb was detonated on Tuesday in Austin, Texas, #Qanon posted this, noting that the FBI had opened an investigation to see if his "Boom" statements were related to the exploding packages.

3) #Qanon said the "investigation" was a (deep state) attempt to disrupt his communications and that the plan would fail.

Q said previously that the media receives its marching orders at [4 am]

He said the real story on the bombings would be released Wednesday.

4) As promised, on Wednesday, a suspect killed himself by detonating a package bomb as police closed in on him.

5) #Qanon posted this.
Mark Zuckerberg (MZ)
had a meeting with:
5 political people (Pelosi, Schumer, etc?)
1 former intel dir (Clapper, Brennan?)
To mask the truth & spin deceptive talking points for this week.
They will fail.

6) In the past, RT has referred to "Real Time" as when Q and his team are monitoring events live from headquarters.
RT was only recently used for Rex Tillerson.
I don't believe Tillerson fits the context of this discussion.
However, RT could mean something else.

7) RT could refer to Rizvi/Traverse, a company that provides capital for hot brands. Their customers include Jack Dorsey (Twitter & Square) Elon Musk (SpaceX) and Playboy.

8) iDEN is a Motorola network that allows for multiple communication formats (text, cell, walkie-talkie) on a single network.
(I'm not sure this is the right decode for IDEN, but it's the best match I could find.)

9) #Qanon said they obtained from Snowden the algorithm used by social media platforms to spin and control narratives.

An anon suggested it could work like this.

10) @fchollet posted a brilliant thread explaining how social media and artificial intelligence can be used to control what we think.

11) #Qanon said the days of artificially controlled public discussion are over.
Regulation is coming
The CEO's know it.
It's why they're selling their holdings
In the wake of Facebook's data mining scandal, COO Sheryl Sandberg said they welcome regulation.…

12) #Qanon posted an image and a link to a Comedy Central skit which is a spoof of the Q phenomenon.
Why are they mocking Q and his followers?
Because they couldn't shut him (and us) down.

13) Here's the link #Qanon posted.
The Q spoof begins at the 11-minute mark.…

14) Yours truly even made it into the video.

15) #Qanon says it's all because they're losing control and they have to put up a fight.

Yesterday, CNN's President, frustrated from all their losing, lashed out at Fox News and the President.…

16) There's more desperate flailing coming from the MSM.
Enjoy the show.

17) After Gary Cohn left the Trump administration #Qanon warned us more changes were coming. In the last week, more people have left like General McMaster and the President's lead counsel.

18) #Qanon told us that Trump was reorganizing his cabinet.
(Have you considered who would know such changes were in the works?)

19) #Qanon posted this morning, letting us know that he was changing his tripcode. (Probably a security measure.)

20) After the President signed the terrible spending bill this morning, #Qanon posted this.
A countdown has begun.
Stage [set?]
5:5 is a radio term for "loud and clear."

21) I believe Trump signed the spending bill because it fully funds the military which #QAnon and POTUS have repeatedly said are a top priority. They rely on the military to offset the work of the deep state and they can't afford to lose them right now.

22) Red_Castle
It's just a guess, but the Army Corps of Engineers has as their symbol, a red and white castle.
Is Trump planning to build the border wall using Defense Department money and the corps of engineers?

23) Green_Castle
A couple was charged last night with murder when their 3-year-old girl died of a drug overdose. They're from Greencastle, Pa.

The president is serious about combating drug-related deaths.
Is this what Green_Castle refers to?

24) If my guesses are correct, the stage has been set and the clock is ticking. Trump will put into effect his plan to deal with his top priorities, without the help of Congress (who will face angry voters in November.)

25) There is another possible interpretation for Green_Castle.

There's a small office of the Corps of Engineers located in Greencastle, Indiana. #Qanon…

26) Indiana happens to be the state that Mike Pence was Governor of.

27 #Qanon

28) This is a good thread by General Boykin on why POTUS was wise to bring in John Bolton to replace H.R. McMaster as Director of National Intelligence.

29) If you're interested in knowing more about advancements in "behavioral technology" (mind control), here's a good article.

30) Consider that the President spoke more about the military than anything else during his speech on the budget.
Consider that Secretary Mattis was beside him and was allowed to make a short speech.

31) Why were the Marines activated?
What operation is underway?
Define "Boom"

32) Define "Bring the Rain"
Enjoy the show

33) We know that leakers have been one of President Trump's biggest problems since taking office.
When the National Security Council leaks classified information to a hostile press, it undermines everything the President wants to accomplish.

34) John Bolton, Trump's new Director of National Intelligence has vowed to clean house of anyone who shows disloyalty to the President.

35) 2 days ago, South Korean President Moon offered to host inter-Korean diplomatic talks on March 29th.

36) In a breaking story, Yonhap news is reporting that North Korea has accepted the offer. (This is a developing story. No details are available yet.)

37) A friend has been having dreams about #Qanon that I believe are prophetic. Here's her latest dream.

38) Last night, I had this dream which seems to illustrate part of the mission #Qanon has been given.

39) FYI:
Google has announced it will spend $300 million over the next 3 years in last-ditch effort to prop up the Fake News Industrial Complex.
#Qanon #DownSheGoes…

40) POTUS sent a letter to Congress regarding the spending bill.
I'm not certain what it means when he said the funding is designated as an emergency requirement and I haven't located the attachment sent to the office of Management and Budget.

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