Baptiste Robert Profile picture
🇫🇷 Good Faith Hacker. Fight disinformation at @PredictaLabOff. #OSINT for good. For business inquiries my email is below👇

Mar 29, 2018, 12 tweets

Tutorial: How to capture network packets and record them on your #Android phone

1/ Install Packet Capture #android app…

2/ Follow the setup wizard of Packet Capture

3/ Give the read external storage permission to Packet Capture

4/ Click on the green arrow

5/ Choose the application you want to monitor

6/ Accept the connection request

7/ Click on the home button and play with the app you want to monitor

8/ After a while, reopened Packet Capture and click on the red square

9/ Click on the top line

10/ Congrats! You have access to all the capture. You can have the details of a capture by clicking on 1 line

Enjoy and happy hunting


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