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Apr 5, 2018, 8 tweets

American conservatives are still clueless about the 97% expert climate consensus
Now there’s a handbook for that…
HT @jetvac #climatedenial #scicomms

The Consensus Handbook
Why the scientific consensus on
climate change is important… CC @jetvac #climatechange #Sciencenotsilence #ScienceMatters #ClimateDenial

Now - about those 31,000 dissenting scientists proving there’s no expert agreement on
human-caused global warming...… #ClimateDenial
Page 17 if you're too lazy to find it yourself....

Americans 'under siege' from climate disinformation
#FakeNews spread by those with a profit motive…
#ClimateDenial the Handbook…

Trump’s Climate Change Denial Is Already Reshaping Public Opinion… HT @jetvac #ClimateDenial
However, opinion does not change the facts...

Climate Deniers Are More Likely to Be Racist. Why?
A new study has a theory…
HT @jetvac
#ClimateDenial #Politics

How can Facebook stop climate misinformation when its 'fact-checkers' are deniers?…
#climatechange #climatedenial #fakenews

Facebook video spreads climate denial misinformation to 5 million users…
#climatechange #climatedenial #fakenews #pantsonfire

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