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Constitutional Extremist ★ Author ★ GiveSendGo:

Apr 6, 2018, 51 tweets

4) #Qanon said Paul Manafort was a plant.
Inserted into the Trump campaign to sabotage it.

Who was arrested?
Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan was sentenced to 30 days in prison for lying to investigators about his relationship to Rick Gates.…

5) #Qanon said Carter Page was a plant.

That became obvious when it was discovered that he worked as an FBI informant only a few months before the FBI accused him of being a Russian spy as part of the Trump team.…

6) #Qanon asked why Robert Mueller is going after people who were planted inside the Trump campaign by the deep state.
Is Mueller working for POTUS?

7) #Qanon said General Flynn is safe.
He asked us to define "witness."
(Someone who observes illegal activity.)
Yes, a witness can still play the game.
Then they would be called an informant.

8) Russia is fake
[JA] Julian Assange received DNC intel from Seth Rich, who was murdered by [2] MS-13 members. MSM coverup
No investigation into the alleged web transfer of data, no investiation of Crowdstrike [CS]
No exam of NSA intel.
Obama coverup: "State Secrets"

9) Cryin' Chuck
Lyin' Ted
Cheatin' Obama

10) #Qanon posted a summary of the agenda of the globalists.
Population control.
Gun control
Mind control
Arranging wars to obtain money, power & control.

11) #Qanon suggests it's time to end the Federal Reserve.

Does Trump plan to put the dollar back on the gold standard?…

12) #Qanon said:
UK/GER [5 days].
When this was posted on the 4th, John Bolton was going to assume his role and National Security Adviser in 5 days.

13) #Qanon posted this.

14) As North Korea moves away from the control of other nations, Russia flexes its muscles [threat].

15) #Qanon posted this.

16) #Qanon posted this.
The operation by the CIA [clowns] on Twitter to convince people that pro-Trump users are bots will continue.
False Q drops by CIA will confuse normies
Taint Q's message
No confirmation of 5th Ave anon
Don't fall for LARPs, immitators

17) #Qanon posted this.

18) Zuckerberg's problems at Facebook continue.
#QAnon predicts the CEO will eventually step down.
Is Twitter CEO Jack next?…

19) #Qanon poted this.
The Omnibus bill is full of money for greedy politicians and lobbyists.

20) The Gateway Bridge project will put money in the pockets of politians like Chuck Schumer and Robert Menendez.

21) #Qanon posted this.

22) The anons posted what they were able to find regarding Obama's speeches and meetings.

23) Here's a link to the White House visitor log under President Obama.

24) #Qanon posted this.

25) An anon responded to #Qanon's post about the Analysis Cororation, a counterterrorism/national security consulting firm founed by former head clown John Brennan. (Located in McLean, Virginia)

26) #Qanon responded to the anon's dscovery.

27) MagikBOT is a program authorized by Wikipedia to install protection templayes on pages that don't have them.…

28) When #Qanon posted the live arrests at the King Tower in China on Feb 7th, someone edited the Wikipedia page of the King tower making reference to the arrests.
A protection templete was applied to the page (possibly by magikBOT) to prevent unauthorized edits.

29) An anon posted this noting that Youtube plans to link to Wikipedia pages to correct "Conspiracy" videos.

30) #Qanon responded.

31) I'm wondering if the LOOP is Loop Capital which #QAnon has mentioned previously.

32) An anon mentioned that the caravan of people marching to the southern border was called off.

33) #Qanon responded.
The people are being used as pawns.
National Guard [NG] is deployed to the border.
He suggests we review previous drops about the National Guard and Saudia Arabia [SA]

34) #Qanon asked us to estimate the collective wealth of religious organizations and then look at the financing of the Vatican which, took out a loan from the Rothschilds.…

35) The Council of Cardinals is a group appointed by Pope Francis.
They appear to be a means to bring outside influence [clowns] to the operations of the Vatican. #Qanon…

36) #Qanon said John McCain, who allowed immigrants to pass through the Arizona border for nefarious reasons, won't be running for another term.

37) An anon asked if there's some strategic purpose for the wall that isn't being made public, making reference to the Zimmerman Telegram.

38) The Zimmerman Telegram was a communication between Germany and Mexico proposing a military alliance. It was intercepted by British intelligence and was a key reason why the U.S. became involved in World War I.…

39) #Qanon responded.

40) #Qanon posted this about Jared Cohen.

41) Since he hasn't come up in previous #Qanon posts, I did some digging.
Here's what Wikipedia has to say about Cohen.
He's a mover and shaker with Google and the Council on Foreign Relations.…

42) Here's a fact sheet on Jared Cohen.

43) Julian Assange said Cohen worked with the White House and State Dept (under former administrations) and did what the CIA couldn't do.
"Cohen is effectively Google's director of regime change."

44) #Qanon posted this.
"Where we go one, we go all."

45) An anon responded to #Qanon's post suggesting POTUS had spoken to Kim Jong-Un months earlier.

46) #Qanon responded.

47) On March 20th, according to reports leaked by the Kremlin, POTUS invited Putin to the White House for a summit.

48) #Qanon posted this.

49) #Qanaon said:
5:5 (loud and clear)
Q+ (Q and his team)

50) #Qanon posted this.

51) I think this is a good decode of #Qanon post.

52) #Qanon posted this, suggesting that these "accidents" may not be accidental.

53) Link to article.

54) #Qanon reposted this anon's response to a previous post. .

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