Charles Lister Profile picture
Director of @MEI_Syria & @MEI_CTE at @MiddleEastInst. Founder

Apr 9, 2018, 21 tweets

#Russia's really going for it at UNSC today: Amb. Nebenzia going all-out tinfoil hat, contradicting himself in rapid time.

- In the space of seconds, he says (1) the #Douma incident was a false-flag chemical attack by rebels & then says (2) there was no chemical attack at all.

U.S. Amb. to UN @nikkihaley:

- I could hold up pictures of babies lying dead next to their mothers, in their diapers, all lying together, dead, ashen blue, open eyes & lifeless, white foam bubbling from their mouths & noses… the very definition of innocent, hiding in basements.

U.S. Amb. to UN @nikkihaley:

"Who does this? Only a monster does this… the monsters behind this have no conscience… the Russian regime is covered in the blood of innocent children.

#Russia & #Iran are to blame… [but] what’s the point in trying to shame these people?

U.S. Amb. to UN @nikkihaley ends her comments by saying that whatever the UNSC does in response to the #Assad regime's CW attack in #Douma, “the United States will respond.”

- Comes after x2 Principals Meetings in White House, studying possible military responses in #Syria.

IMPORTANT - #France’s UN Amb. @franceonu says #Russia aircraft were flying over #Damascus when chemical munitions were dropped on #Douma.

- "No #Syria planes take off without Russia's knowledge."

UK Amb. to UN @KarenPierceUN:

- "There are real questions about what is happening in the T4 airbase, with all its foreign fighters & equipment.”

- There have been repeated patterns of Mil Mi8 Hip helicopters flying amid chemical attacks in #Syria.

#France UN Amb. @franceonu:

- "The use of CWs is so abhorrent that it’s been prohibited for nearly a century now… now we're faced with the cynical & barbaric use of CWs to target innocent civilians… by the #Syria regime, which constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity."

U.S. Amb. to UN @nikkihaley:

- "The U.S. has put forward a draft resolution… we’ve held open & transparent negotiations [on the text] for weeks… we made special efforts with one Council member (#Russia), adding paragraph upon paragraph…”

U.S. Amb. to UN @nikkihaley:

- "#Russia’s draft resolution gives Russia itself the chance to choose the investigators & to assess their outcome. There is nothing independent about that… you’re either for an independent investigation or you're not."

#Moscow’s Amb. to UN:

- "It is not true that almost all of our requirements are taken into the U.S. resolution - in fact, it is a copy of the previous #JIM model… we have made clear that #Russia will never support this… this is anarchy & manipulation."

#Moscow’s Amb. to UN:

- "Several months will be needed to put together a workable investigative mechanism… Why do you need a mechanism when you have already decided the guilty party? You do not want to hear anything."

#Moscow’s Amb. to UN, speaking to U.S. @nikkihaley:

- "We will be using out veto in order to protect international order and security… we are in #Syria to counter international terrorism… Who do you cover? You cover the terrorists. We do hope you come to your senses."

#Russia vetoes U.S.-led resolution calling for a chemical weapons investigative mechanism for #Syria.

UK Amb. to UN, @KarenPierceUN:

- "By vetoing, #Russia has crossed a line in the international order… history is now repeating itself, one year on from Khan Sheikhoun.

Russia is not authorized to carry out an investigation in #Syria... no traces were found by whom?"

UK Amb. to UN, @KarenPierceUN:

- "It's become very clear that #Russia will do whatever it takes to protect #Syria… to shut down any discussion or investigation of its crimes… and this comes at the cost of Russia’s responsibility within this council."

UK Amb. to UN, @KarenPierceUN:

- #Russia’s credibility as a member of the UN Security Council is now in question…

We will not stand idly by & watch Russia continue to undermine global norms… Russia’s actions today are another step against the authority of the UN… & humanity"

#Russia’s resolution on chemical weapons investigative mechanism at the UN is *not* passed.

- 6 in favor
- 7 against
- 2 abstentions

UK Amb. to the UN, @KarenPierceUN:

- "With respect to Karl #Marx, I think he must be turning in his grave to see what has become of his country… in its defense of the use of chemical weapons against the innocent.”

If #Russia wants a criminal investigation we can refer to ICC."

U.S. Amb. to UN @nikkihaley:

The votes have been cast. The record will show that today, some tried to stand for truth and justice for #Syria’s people… today was time for action.

Month after month, #Russia has strung along this council… ignoring our calls for ceasefire, aid."

U.S. Amb. to UN @nikkihaley:

- There were only 2 differences between our & #Russia’s draft resolutions:

(1) Russia wanted to give themselves the responsibility to choose those given the task and (2) to assess the findings of those it chose to investigate the attack in #Douma.

U.S. Amb. to UN @nikkihaley:

- "History will record that on this day, #Russia chose to defend the monsters instead of the lives of #Syria’s people.”

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