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Writer, attorney, ally, animal lover, artist, fmr Army wife, intersectional feminist. BlockedByTrump in 2018.

Apr 10, 2018, 10 tweets

#ICYMI #michaelcohenraid (Thread)
1/ Trump speaking to press yesterday AM. Take a look at the faces around him.

Pence: a) I told u I don't care what u do, just don't get fcking caught. b) U & ur fcking big a$$ font in our logo. c) ur atty is an idiot.

2/ we are fcked, y'all. Even crazy a$$ bolton looks nervous. "Will I be NSA dir under Pence? Also, did I ever email Cohen??"

3/ the woman looks like she wants to pull a Comey & hide behind a flag. The guy next to her looks disgusted--like Trump smells bad. The guy closest to pence just looks depressed. "I was so close to retirement..."

4/ "Really? He has to talk abt this $hit now? Are those cameras on? Of course they are. Fck."

5/ "On the up side, I'll be president sooner. On the down side, I'll always be known as damba$$'s vp..."

6/ "if obama had done half of this $hit... SMH.'

7/ "No, seriously, what have I told Cohen?"

8/ "Is that whiskey bottle in my desk drawer empty?"

8/ "Is that whiskey bottle in my desk drawer empty?"


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