TheSharpEdge Profile picture
For we wrestle not against flesh & blood but against principalities against powers against rulers of darkness of this world. Married-Christian-MAGA-Pedogate-Q

Apr 19, 2018, 24 tweets

NEW #QAnon 1185-1186

Archive OFFLINE immediately.
Future events re: Intel trip to NK will make heads roll.

#Q #Qanon8chan #QAlert #WWG1WGA #WeThePeople #MAGA #KAG #Trump #TheStorm #TheGreatAwakening #TrustThePlan #ThursdayThoughts #DrainTheSwamp @realDonaldTrump

#TheStorm was raging today- on the anniversary of "the shot heard round the world." My forecast for tomorrow? It's gonna be another wild one. Thanks for reading, liking, commenting, RTing, & following. #WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwakening

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