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Constitutional Extremist ★ Author ★ GiveSendGo:

Apr 26, 2018, 24 tweets

1) This is my #Qanon thread for posts beginning April 25th, 2018

Q posts can be found here:

My theme: What Would Happen?

2) #Qanon posted this about Lt. General Paul Nakasone.
He's been vetted and he can be trusted.
Why is it important?

3) It's important because the Senate just confirmed General Nakasone as Admiral Roger's replacement at NSA.
The General was formerly head of Cyber Command. He will now wear both [white] hats.
#Qanon #MAGA…

4) With all the traitors in the intelligence community, people are nervous about personnel changes. Intel is important and #Qanon wants us to know we trust Nakasone. He's a #MAGA white hat.

5) There's a reason why Admiral Rogers is retiring.
Is it so that he can testify as a civilian?
Or is there another reason?
#Qanon says "Trust the plan."

6) After @kanyewest spoke out about thinking for yourself, #Qanon posted this.
#Kanye #MAGA

#Kanye is #MAGA

8) People are asking Sarah Carter when the missing text messages between FBI Trump-haters Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are going to be given to Congress.

Her answer: Soon.
#Qanon #MAGA

9) #Qanon said Congress already has the texts.
But it hasn't been made public because they don't know what to do with them.
Stalling for time?

(Why did the FBI /DOJ "lose" the texts in the first place?")

10) #Qanon replied to the previous post with this.

11) The California penal code for murder is 187.

12) #Qanon then reposted a crumb [piece of information] he posted in January.
"What would happen if texts originating from an FBI agent to several [internals] discussed assassination?"

Is this what Congress is debating?

13) #Qanon asked what happens next?
If the texts prove there was a deep state attempt to kill or harm POTUS, what then?
Did Trump plan his exit strategy from Mueller's investigation more than a year ago?

14) What was really discussed today between Mueller and Rudy Giuliani?

15) A [clown] anon asked if #Qanon was crazy.
Antifa flags don't look anything like Nazi flags.

16) #Qanon responded.

17) An anon (not #Qanon) made this observation about #MAGA

18) #Qanon posted a link to an article by @LarrySchweikart about Jeff Sessions who made the observation that Sessions needed to appear to be doing nothing harmful to the deep state in order to prosecute them.
(Too bad Larry doesn't follow Q.)

19) Link to Larry's article.

20) An anon wanted John Legend and Chrissy Teague to know he's onto them.

21) #Qanon asked how many pics are available on the internet of Hillary (HRC) and John Legend (JL) that are related to Haiti.

22) John Legend was heavily involved in fundraising for Haiti, helping raise $35 million for the relief effort.
#Qanon #ReleaseTheTexts…

23) An anon noted that according to Sara Carter, the Srtzok/Page texts have been delivered to Congress.

24) #Qanon wants us to know that when we see the letter 'R" in the texts, it refers to "Renegade" and not Rod Rosenstein.

"Renegade" was the Secret Service code name for Barack Obama.

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