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Covering #Iran & #MidEast, especially what MSM won't Have a passion for exposing Tehran apologists/lobbyists

May 8, 2018, 12 tweets

Hours after Trump announced the timing of his decision on the #IranNuclearDeal, @ntabrizy of the @nytimes very interestingly posts a video on the #Iran opposition group PMOI/MEK & the prospect of #RegimeChange.

Very telling is how the likes of @ntabrizy, @ishaantharoor & @jrezaian (all #Iran apologists) are raising alarm bells about #Iran #RegimeChange & the PMOI/MEK.
I have provided more insight in this thread:

@ntabrizy continues:
“Many experts say [the MEK] has little support inside Iran itself.”
Former House speaker Newt Gingrich powerfully debunks such remarks:

@ntabrizy says U.S. State Dept.’s considered the MEK as a terrorist organization in 2012.
Here’s something to think about from the LA Times back in 1997:

@ntabrizy accuses the MEK of targeting US interests in Iran.
@LBJunior discredited such allegations raised by #Iran apologists.
On 7 Dec 2011, he testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs:

@ntabrizy only interviews Daniel Benjamin, an Obama-era official & a strong advocate of relations with #Iran. It is quite obvious he will only express anti-MEK slander in his remarks.

Q: Why doesn’t Tabrizy interview any other individual?

@ntabrizy says the MEK “has an aggressive lobbying arm,” while conveniently refusing to mention the fact that #Iran’s regime is vividly known to lead extensive lobbying campaigns (@NIACouncil & @tparsi seen with #Iran's nuclear negotiating team).

@ntabrizy voices the main concern of this video: #RegimeChange in #Iran.
She stands shoulder to shoulder with Tehran’s mullahs in this regard, and like other Iran apologists, provides life support for a regime known for its horrendous human rights violations.

For more knowledge about @ntabrizy, here’s a photo of her after interviewing @jzarif in his Manhattan home.
Notice how she is standing underneath the image of Iranian regime founder Khomeini & current supreme leader @khamenei_ir.

@ntabrizy, with a hijab, taking a photo with Hooman Majd, a member of #Iran’s nuclear negotiating team & very close to @jzarif. (L)
Image on the right shows Majd with Iranian regime lobbyist @tparsi.

These images shed light on why Tabrizy is suddenly so concerned about #RegimeChange, knowing #Iran’s main alternative is none other than the MEK.

Finally, in this read I explain how #Iran’s regime, in its own words, considers the MEK as the main threat to its rule.

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