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Here to keep informed about politics, support the Resistance, & occasionally help educate folks about having ALS. Also to love horses, dogs, cats, etc. ❤️

May 8, 2018, 11 tweets

#MorningJoe tells (sickening) Bari Weiss to only read comments from people with verified accts & "friends" with unverified accts in order to stay sane. Meanwhile, #MorningMika tells Weiss she did a fantastic job giving racists yet another voice in the @nytimes . 🙄😕

I wish I had time today to really dig into the disgusting "points" Weiss has to make in this article, but I took many screenshots & will tweet a few here for folks who don't want to use up 1 of their 5 free articles this month. /1…

Here's how she starts the article. My eyes began rolling after the first two paragraphs. Lord have mercy, where is this article taking us? "That Which Cannot Be Said." 🙄 /2

"It's hard to explain who's a member of the Intellectual Dark Web." No, it isn't Bari. It's pathetically easy to tell, but apparently you're comfortable with people who aren't actually "intellectuals." /3

Oh, look, she says. Miraculously, none of these racists & misogynists are Trump fans. See, I told you, it's all about both sides, not just Trumpers.
Dems know we have racists & misogynists among liberals, Bari. Unlike Rs, though, we tell them where to go, fast. /4

She loves Kanye. She thinks we should feel "open" to his "intellectually renegade" statements.
Oh God, I'm feeling sick, but I committed to letting you all see as much of this #BariWeiss insanity as possible. /5

Oh, yeah, #JordanPeterson isn't a bigot for demanding that Canada not try to eliminate bigotry, because "free speech." Sounds like saying bakers who refuse to bake wedding cakes for LGBTQ couples aren't bigots. 🙄 /6

"I've figured out how to monetize social justice warriors," says #JordanPeterson , a supposed psych expert. OMG. And then there's #Soh , the neuroscientist who left research & academia because she felt thought there was becoming "narrow." /7

We don't need principles unless we become mainstream, says Rubin (not J. Rubin). So who cares if we let racists & bigots & misogynists into this convo? Who cares if #BariWeiss wants to amplify us in @nytimes ? Because "free thinking," y'all. /8

#BariWeiss wonders out loud if she's a "member of this mvmt." Why, yes, you are Bari. You're doing exactly the thing you protested a couple of paragraphs before: "frog kissing." You're amplifying racists, misogynists & bigots, not "free thinking." You're NO "classical lib." /end

P.S. now I know where #AriMelber got that phrase when he, too, defended #Kanye , & it sickens me to realize it. "Free thinking" is the mantra of the so-called "Intellectual Dark Web." Ari, you've lost me. And that *really* depresses me.

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