Asaf Ronel Profile picture
Scientific writing in the real world. Democracy for all from the river to the sea. Former @Haaretz, @StayLabs. Personal account. He/him

May 13, 2018, 6 tweets

Short #thread: Lies that Zionists tell themselves about the #Nakba

Myth: the Arabs attacked the Jews & lost & then escaped.
Reality: the ethnic cleansing of what later became Israel started before the Arab armies intervened or even before the British left. In fact, most Palestinian cities were conquered before the declaration of independence.

Myth: the small Jewish army won a miraculous victory against the much larger Arab armies.
Fact: the only army that equaled the Jewish army during the war was the British-trained Jordanian Legion, which generally respected the UN partition plan & didn't invade what became Israel.

Myth: the Palestinians escaped because their leaders told them to. Israelis actually asked them to stay.
Fact: many Palestinians escaped after hearing of massacres such as Deir Yassin. Others escaped the Israeli shelling of civilian areas. Some were deported at gunpoint.

Myth: after the war ended, Palestinian "infiltrators" went on a long terror campaign along the new Israeli borders.
Fact: 1000s of Palestinians shot by Israeli soldiers after attempting to return to their homes & fields in what became Israel (many of them from #Gaza).

BTW this is hardly an exhaustive list of lies Zionists tell themselves about the #Naqba. It's just something I thought of on the bus to work

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