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May 17, 2018, 10 tweets

So the ADL is quietly infiltrating the gaming industry to use games as a propaganda tool.

They parrot Gamers Are Dead in the very first line.

They call #GamerGate a controversy in one breath, then say it was about MUH harassment in the next.

The ADL is funding SJW games.

This is all about controlling what games people are allowed to make, what they're allowed to say to others while playing, and who game companies are allowed to hire.

This can only lead to more biased video game reviews.

More misguided SJW game developers.

More control over who is allowed to work in the games industry.

More promotional puff pieces for terrible people, and more smear pieces against wrong thinkers.

The ADL wants to do to the gaming industry what they did to tech companies like Google and Twitter.

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