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May 17, 2018, 90 tweets

1) #Qanon

2) This is my #Qanon thread for May 17, 2018

Q posts can be found here:
Q Drops for iOs:
Q Alerts for Android:

My theme: Gimme Shelter

3) The storm is here. Pain is coming. Some are in desperate need of shelter.

4) #Qanon said the news about North Korea possibly pulling out of peace talks was fake but news about Facebook and Twitter censoring conservatives is real.
Desperate to win the midterms, Jack & Zuck are being forced to pull out all the stops to silence us.

5) Facebook has disabled more than a billion "fake" accounts.
Who decides which accounts are fake?
#Qanon asked what checks and balances are in place?

6) #Qanon suggests that Facebook and Twitter are testing their ability to suppress conservatives to see how they'll respond.
They can then plan their strategy for the midterms based on our response.
[They openly call you sheep]

They want you divided.
They want you silenced.
We are WITH you.

8) An anon posted this.

9) Another anon responded.
The image on the left is from an article about Google's home assistant giving leftist propaganda about Breitbart.

The imageon the right is about Twitter's adimssion that they shadowban certain users.

12) Facebook & Twitter used to deny they were playing favorites or had a political agenda

Now that they've been caught, they're trying to justify it.
They only censor because they don't want to promote hate speech
(Any viewpoint they disagree with.)

13) #Qanon posted part of a transcript of a conversation between Nancy Pelosi [NP] and Jack Dorsey [JD].

I believe [ABC] refers to a 3-letter agecy like the [C] [I] [A].

14) If you assume that [xxxxxxx] are space holders for letters, John Boehner could be who Pelosi was referring to.

15) #Qanon has previously suggested that Dorsey is a puppet for the rich and powerful. They offer him Congressional protection and he silences their opponents on Twitter.

16) Yesterday, #Qanon posted this as John Brennen, James Clapper and Adrmiral Rogers testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Would they discuss Peter Strzock's [PS] trip to London to gather information on the Trump campaign?
Rogers is a civilian now.
Free to speak?

17) The Senate Intel Coommittee under Chair Richard Burr is a friendly setting for Clapper & Brennan.
Hard to know what was discussed.
But when the testimony moves to House Intel Committee under Nunes and House Oversight & Reform under Gowdy, the storm should intensify.

18) At the end of the previous post, #Qanon noted:
Next [1/2].

I was waiting for 2/2 to drop before posting this thread but it has not dropped yet.

Link to the story on yesterday's Senate Intel hearing.…

19) #Qanon said we should follow the pen.
Pens indicate Executive Orders.
Q suggested it's already bee written.
He linked to a tweet by Jim Jordan.

20) This is the tweet by Jim Jordan that #Qanon posted.
Attached to it is a letter to the President asking him to use his executive powers to compel the FBI & DOJ to produce unredacted copies of documents related to their investigations.

21) An anon asked why Peter Strzok was in London (at the request of James Comey) for operation #CrossfireHurricane , a story about the FBI's surveillance of the Trump campaign that broke yesterday in the New York Times.


22) #QAnon said Strzok's visit was related to Signals Intelligence [SIS] which makes sense since the FBI's investigation of the Trump campaign was a counterintelligence and not a criminal investigation.

23) #Qanon

25) Q-tip of the day
If you check out #Qanon posts for yourself on
you'll notice that abbreviations are often underlined.
Mouse over one and you'll be given a suggestion for the decode. (There can be multiple suggestions and they're not always right.)

26) #Qanon asked if we knew about the history of the 3-letter intelligence agencies in the U.S.

27) This article discusses the history of the CIA and Signals Intelligence.

28) This is a second article on the history of U.S. intelligence agencies.

29) An anon found the pen picture #Qanon mentioned earlier.
Q confirmed it.

30) An anon put the pieces of the pen puzzle together.
1) The President threatened to use his powers to compel the DOJ & FBI to produce certain documents.
2) Congress asked him to do so.
3) The Execuive Order has already been written and will soon be made public.

31) #Qanon confirmed.
The Executive Order we're awaiting had to be requested by Congress, probably for the reason of optics.

32) A hint at what will be contained in the Executive Order was given in the filename of the original post from May 10th: DOJNUNESRELEASE

33) An anon told #Qanon there are new people joining the fight for freedom.

34) #Qanon warned those who are trying to silence his team, that their efforts will fail.

36) #Qanon asked if it was a coincidence that the Freedom Caucus was formed in 2015.

37) Background info on the Freedom Caucus.

38) #Qanon shared part of a previous post where he suggested that many people do not understand what's really happening inside the DOJ and with Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.

39) #Qanon sent a message to those inside the system:
It's not too late to do the right thing.

40) Link to the video #Qanon posted.

41) An anon posted this.

42) #Qanon responded.

43) Going back to #Qanon's question:
"Can the [Mueller] investigation officially/publicly drop POTUS from review & continue?

Yesterday we learned that Robert Mueller will not indict President Trump.…

44) It's unlikely Mueller will charge POTUS with a process crime like obstruction of Justice.

Has the President effectively been cleared of wrongdoing?

Could (or would) the Mueller investigation continue with a different target?

45) #Qanon posted the resume of our new CIA chief Gina Haspel.
She's not an appointee from outside the agency.
She's been in operations for decades which means she's intimately familiar with the inner workings. of the agency.

46) #Qanon

47) An anon's thoughts on #Qanon's previous mention of pickle—used to describe the conundrum that the EU is in regarding trade with Iran.
If they continue trading as usual, we apply economic sanctions.
If they stop trading, the Iranians may expose the bribes they took.

48) John Kerry (JK) married an heir to the Heinz company.…

49) #Qanon responded.

50) Before the [C] [I] [A] was spoken of openly, it had many pseudonyms including "the pickle factory."

51) I'm glad to see the anons following @TheLastRefuge2, a great researcher, who observed that if the FBI actually used the name #CrossfireHurricaine, it should have appeared in the texts between Strzok and Page.

53) #Qanon responded.
The @nytimes prints what they're told to print.
They're controlled by the cabal.
The #CrossfireHurricaine story was an attempt at damage control in anticipation of the OIG [bombshell] report that is due shortly.

54) Some "journalists" that work at the Times are [C] [I] [A]
Clowns wear masks to confuse us about who they really are and who they work for.

55) An anon posted a tweet by the parody account @SecOfState70

56) #Qanon responded.

57) The common theme when the deep state and their minions know a bad story is about to break is to preempt it with a story that paints them in a positive light.
If the bad story will draw attention to illegal or unethical activities, they try to justify them.

58) Previously, the Obama admin denied spying on the Trump campaign.
Now that it's obvious they did (and lied about it) they're trying to justify it.

Jack Dorsey denied censoring conservatives on Twitter.
He got caught. so now he's trying to justify doing it.

59) #Qanon posted a link to an article about the Fast and Furious scandal that happened during Barack Obama's presidency. .

60) Jeff Sessions announced that the Justice Department will hand over documents that Congress has asked for during their investigation of the "Fast & Furious scandal which Eric Holder refused to give them.

61) #Qanon reposted his previous admonition to trust the department heads that the President has chosen and their appointees.

Kansas = Mike Pompeo (Former Rep from Kansas)

62) #Qanon reposted a crumb from April 2nd when he asked why, if the DOJ doesn't talk about ongoing investigations, did they made public the work that John Huber was doing?

Huber was rehired by Sessions because he can be trusted with a prosecution of historic magnitude.

62) #Qanon posted this link.

63) D5 = Top of the scale for avalanches.
Pain coming.

64) Here's the link #Qanon posted.…

65) On the Pacer website, an anon stumbled upon an indictment for Anthony Weiner that was unsealed yesterday. He suggested the anons with law backgrounds search for other unsealed indictments using specific search criteria.

66) #Qanon responded.

67) An anon observed that now, with former New York Attorney General Schneiderman gone and some new judges on the bench, the Anthony Weiner case can be prosecuted fairly.

68) #Qanon responded.

69) On May 10th, the President nominated 10 federal judges, including 7 who will serve in New York.

70) #Qanon said that timing is critical. Before prosecution can begin, the FBI & DOJ had to be cleaned out first.

71) An anon asked #Qanon for verification that this was the #64 he referred to.
Note: This is post #64

72) #Qanon confirmed.

73) #Qanon posted this.

74) Cruising at 40,000 ft with #Qanon

75) #Qanon says buckle up

76) #Qanon says this will be one for the history books

77) #Qanon posted a series of [seemingly] random pictures but since we know everything has meaning, we know they were posted for a reason. (I'm collecting 4 of them into one post for efficiency.)

78) #Qanon said we should take note of the approximate time of year by observing the clothing people are wearing.

79) People have been wondering about the relevance of the Apple-related photos #Qanon posted early in May. (I assumed they were for future use.)

80) An anon thought he figured out how the pallet pictures from 2 weeks ago and today's photos are connected.

81) #Qanon responded.
(The airplane is owned by Air China)

82) If the anon's theory is correct, I would add something.
Did Hillary visit New Zealand with her U.S. Security clearance to find out what intel the Five Eyes [FVEY] had on their new phones in a way that would not alert anyone to what she was doing?

83) This is a tweet by the President about ZTE from yesterday.
Was he trollling the cabal?

84) #Qanon posted more pictures.
Looks like they're from China, where a lot of phones are made.
Check out the filenames.
[Clas 1 & 2]
Look familiar?
Happy hunting!

85) #Qanon posted this picture which also has an interesting filename.

86) Another interesting picture and another interesting filename.

87) What have we here, #Qanon?

88) #Qanon sometimes signals the end of a particular discussion thread with the word "End."
(It doesn't mean we won't hear from him again.)

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