Joseph Mallozzi 🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
Showrunner/Executive Producer/Writer - Dark Matter, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Universe. Crime Show enthusiast.

May 18, 2018, 17 tweets

#DarkMatter Virtual Season 4 - Episode 4.01 - Act 2
Establish The Raza in sublight...

Ryo, alone in his quarters, receives a transmission from Teku who informs him that loyalist troops eager to see him back on the throne of Zairon await his command.

But Ryo turns down the opportunity to lead, informing his old friend that he is not fit to rule. He has let down his people, his friends. And now, his future lies not on Zairon, but on The Raza. A shattered Teku attempts to convince him otherwise, but Ryo ends the transmission

FIVE and the Android discuss the Android's plan to use Traugott's white hole bomb to collapse the rift. FIVE is horrified by the idea, but it may be their one chance to cut off the aliens off from their lifeline, a power source on the other side of the gateway.

On the other side of the rift, SIX gains access to Ferrous Corp shipyard. He makes his way through the seemingly deserted facility. The place is eerily quiet and appears to be abandoned.

SIX hears movement up ahead. He discovers a section beyond a sealed bulkhead damaged and exposed to space. As he prepares to double back, an footfall causes him to turn, gun raised. He finds himself staring down Alt Tash, also armed. Stalemate. Hey, what're the chances?

Ryo finds Wexler in the mess, having a drink. Ryo warns him THREE doesn't like to share his whisky.
Wexler: "Hey, I don't see his name on the bottle."
Ryo: "Look closer."
Wexler does, arcs an eyebrow: "Shit, his name IS on the bottle."

Wexler again expresses misgivings about FIVE's command. He understands how Ryo may want to look out for the kid, but this is a huge responsibility. Ryo warns Wexler not to underestimate her.

On the bridge, the Android and FIVE pitch their plan to Commander Truffault. It will fall on her to acquire the white hole bomb from Traugott - the REAL one this time as all the corps must now form a united front against the alien threat.

On the other side of the rift, on the Ferrous Corp facility, SIX and Tash still stand, guns leveled, waiting. Finally, SIX concedes his arm is probably as tired as hers and suggests they lower their weapons. Tash obliges. The two strike an unlikely alliance.

Ryo and Wexler's mess hall discussion is interrupted by the Android and FIVE who enlist their help in dealing with TWO...

In the infirmary, the shield to the isolation chamber is lowered and TWO is rendered unconscious by an energy weapon. With Ryo and Wexler's help, the Android and Five place her in a stasis pod.

But, rather than respond like the alien did in a similar situation back when THREE was compromised, the entity embodying TWO does not abandon its human host. Now what?

We PUSH INTO TWO's eye, then PULL OUT, we are back in the cabin. TWO, now Rebecca, expresses regret about leaving her friends on The Raza. Kryden tells her this is her life now, one she always dreamt about, with her daughter. There's no point in dwelling on the past.

Alt Portia and THREE make their way through a plethora a security barriers. THREE leads, submitting to an iris scan, using a pinprick of his blood to establish DNA entry, then a handprint to finally gain access to Alt. Marcus Boone's hidden storehouse.

THREE roots through the various items, much from an unremembered past. Suddenly, he hears an all too familiar sound that makes him turn - to find Alt Portia pointing her gun at him. As he suspected, now that she's used him to gain entry, she no longer needs him...

No way he's talking his way out of this one - but that doesn't stop him from trying. And, while he's talking, the storehouse door slides shut. She orders him to open it. He tries but, it prompts him for a passcode. Which he doesn't know. They're trapped!

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