Joseph Mallozzi 🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
Showrunner/Executive Producer/Writer - Dark Matter, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Universe. Crime Show enthusiast.

May 20, 2018, 11 tweets

#DarkMatter Virtual Season 4 - Episode 4.01, Act 4
FIVE contacts Anders. He knows nothing about the GA's heist of the white hole bomb and is reluctant to investigate for fear of risking his career. FIVE reveals SIX sacrificed much more. Anders, shocked by this news, vows to help.

FIVE, Android, Ryo and Wexler discuss what appears to be their only option for ridding TWO of the alien: torture.
But FIVE can't bring herself to do it.
And neither can the Android.
While Ryo deems it dishonorable.
They turn to Wexler who shrugs: "Sure, why not?"

THREE and Portia banter as the search for a way out continues. Suddenly, they are interrupted by Boone whose face flashes up on the security monitor. He just received an automated alert to someone accessing his stash. He is enroute and will deal with them when he gets there.

Portia threatens to blow the door - and all his stuff with it. Boone thinks she's bluffing. She pulls out the explosive device and holds it up to camera, then sticks it to the door. As Boone looks on apprehensively - a beat, then the camera shorts out. Shit!

Reveal THREE merely took the camera offline - but was it enough to convince Boone? Portia says it doesn't matter. Time to blow the door.
THREE: That thing won't blow the damn door!
Portia: Yes, it will.
THREE: No, it won't!
She triggers the device. THREE scrambles for cover!

Portia retreats and the device explodes. When the dust settles, an injured but rapidly healing Portia steps through the debris and examines the door: not a scratch. She throws a look back at an unconscious THREE -
Portia: Well, I stand corrected.

A bound SIX lies on the floor of the Marauder as Tash and the three Ferrous Corps guards prepare to fly the shuttle to the nearest data hub where they will run a scan and pinpoint the location of the extra dimensional rift - and the access point back to their reality.

Tash turns to the guards: "Which one of you is the pilot?"
The guards stare back blankly: "None of us. We thought YOU knew how to fly this thing."
Tash sighs, quickdraws, and guns down the guards.
She pulls a knife, crouches, and frees SIX. Informs him: "You're up, flyboy."

The possessed TWO is bound to a chair in a sealed section of corridor the Android has retrofitted to create an impromptu Faraday Cage. Wexler walks in, shock stick in hand, and explains the situation. On his signal, the Android will disable TWO's nanites with a confined EMP.

Then, he will force the alien out. The shock stick sparks menacingly for effect. Wexler: Oh, and hey, TWO, if you can hear me in there and this works, don't take this personally. Or kill me once we're done.
The possessed TWO glares back at him.
Wexler: Alrighty. Ready?

No response. Wexler glances up at the camera in a corner of the corridor.
Wexler: Hit it.
The EMP is triggered. The lights die. TWO's nanites shut down.
Wexler triggers the shock stick and advances: "Let's get started."

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