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May 24, 2018, 6 tweets

From first-time hopefuls to seasoned veterans, African American women are lining up to disrupt the mostly white, mostly #Republican old boys’ club in #Alabama's political offices. ✊🏾✊🏿 We spoke to 18 candidates that are leading the charge:

“After decades of activism and advocacy, black women are finally getting the recognition they deserve.” @RepTerriSewell, running for re-election to the U.S. House District 7

“My hope for women in 2018 is that we will realize our political power. I hope women will run without fear, run zealously, and advocate for our constituents.” Ashley Smith, running for District Judge in Lowndes County #Alabama

First sworn into the Alabama Senate in 1997, @vivian_figures says the women of #Alabama “know we are a force to be reckoned with.” #Midterms2018

“I hope to be the change that I want to see in my community.” Veronica R. Johnson (@AlabamaHD51), a probation officer and educator, running for US House of Representatives. #Alabama

"I want it to be normal for a black woman to run for Congress, for president, for anything, just like it's normal for a white man." ✊🏿 Chuantae Brown, running for District Judge in Jefferson County. #Midterms2018

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