That awkward moment when you're an incumbent Republican Congresscritter, running for re-election, and tweet out a picture of Hitler's troops to honor #DDay
Fairly certain Congresscritter Ferguson tweeting Nazi fanfic is what made it a story, but I appreciate you think I'm that influential 😘
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by @criket2015 view original on Twitter
I'm sure it would. Just as I'm sure they would have said that already if that's what actually happened.
See, the difference between you and me is that I don't fabricate stories in my mind to justify others' incompetence ❤️
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by @criket2015 view original on Twitter
Except your father didn't fight the Japanese in WWII, because you're a faceless troll who adopts whatever "facts" about your life you think will make you sympathetic in a debate
Try again. Troll better.
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by @criket2015 view original on Twitter
The latter. The media company doesn't run the Twitter feed.
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by @tommyz34 view original on Twitter
Pretty sure your father is why Trump won, but I could be wrong
Had Dr. Ford given the same testimony in the same manner in court, you'd have a conviction. Prosecutors absolutely care about numbers; this would be an easy win, even without Kavanaugh's testimony.
The latter. Assume this were a run-of-the-mill Title VII case; typically Plaintiff's attorneys strike at the point they have maximum leverage, which Ford had. You delay when you hope some external event will turn up useful info instead
She may very well be telling the truth. But the FBI is not going to investigate, because even if we assume she's telling the 100% truth, there's no *federal* crime that took place. It's a dodge.
"Love of police brutality is strongly bipartisan. This is what happens when one party loves 'law & order' and the other one loves public sector unions."
In today's criminal justice news, the Balch Springs PD officer who summarily executed unarmed 15yo black boy #JordanEdwards – and then lied about it to cover it up – has been convicted of murder
Edwards was killed as he and friends peacefully drove away from a lawful house party
Our original thread on the extrajudicial summary execution without due process of Jordan Edwards is here, including the nonsensical police statement released after the shooting
No. A person being pardoned can refuse it, rendering it ineffective. That was the precise issue in Burdick v US, where Burdick refused to accept the pardon so he couldn't be compelled to testify
Impeach and remove faster. There's nothing saying they couldn't do all of that in the span of minutes; the procedural requirements for an impeachment trial are a political question courts can't adjudicate. See Nixon v US (*not* US v Nixon)