Sony's #E3 showing was not bad. REmake 2 looks very promising, I'm very interested in Control, and goddammit Kojima, you got me. I don't know if Death Stranding will be as great as everyone seems to think, but it got my attention now. And SpiderMan looks better each time.
...the problem though, was the format. TLOS2 took way too much time for a showing that, while perfectly acceptable, didn't blow me away. And having to change venues and that roundtable completely killed the flow of the conference.
The things that were shown, quite honestly, are some of the highlights of this year's #E3. In terms of games by themselves, I'm more interested in Sony than Microsoft or Bethesda. (Good luck Nintendo, prove me wrong.)
But the conference, as a whole, was worse than MS, Bethesda, and even Ubisoft. That was a very bad start with a very good finish, which gives an ok presentation. Which is a shame. I know I would've been very short without the church bit, but quality over quantity amirite.
Also, shoutout to #GhostOfTsushima. my game of the conference so far. When I first heard about last year, didn't care for it. But after today, it has become a priority. Will it scratch that Onimusha itch I have? We'll see, but hopes are sky high at the moment. What a 180°!