Lux Et Veritas Profile picture
Jun 13, 2018 166 tweets 201 min read Read on X
Tagging companies on the list of Planned Murderhood contributors. I am DISGUSTED with every single one of you on this list. Some of the names are really shocking considering the business you are in and the fact that income form those businesses you would spend on killing babies
You ALL participated and most are STILL participating in MURDERING of innocent AMERICAN lives. Your resources could be spent on medical care, childcare, playgrounds, education... Instead you choose to follow the leftist agenda and POWER over doing the RIGHT THING.
All of the above.... You killed and innocent child every day of this week, you will kill more tomorrow and day after. Expect me to revisit with more details on EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!
As I said, I will go down this list and address EVERY SINGLE COMPANY. @Adobe - you are up first. And right on your page I find this Tweet. How sick and ironic that you use this very image since YOUR $$$ is used to kill innocent babies. You participate in murder. Care to comment?
@mentions@Adobe - does this Adobe for all include the babies you helped murder? The babies that would GROW to be those you speak of - different race, gender, social status, different goals.... Some would be leaders, some scientists, some teachers. Not anymore. You PAID to KILL them!
@mentions@Adobe - how DARE you use children to ADVERTISE your product? How dare you pretend you CARE about kids when you DONATE MONEY to Planned Murderhood to kill innocent lives!!! Do your customers know it? Now they do!!!!
#TinyLivesAtStake #DefundPlannedParenthood #DefundPP
@mentions@Adobe - is murdering babies part of "community investment" or is there another fund set aside for PP? Do your employees know that some of their donations you match are used to kill innocent lives? Are backyards with no children in them your goal? Whats a community w/o children?
@mentions@Adobe - here are some names of people "in the know" and decision makers that decide where the money goes. CFO John Murphy and rest of executive team here:… SHAME on you ALL for contributing to killing babies!!!
@mentions@AmericanCancer - you are next on the list of those who support murder of unborn babies yet you use children to advertise your cause. I guess it is all business, kids being used for body parts or as billboards? Whatever makes a buck.
@mentions@AmericanCancer Are those who make donations to YOU made aware that some of the money they give you to SAVE LIVES will go to be spent by you to EXTINGUISH INNOCENT ONES? Do you put that on t-shirts and in your brochures - Thanks for supporting fight with cancer and killing babies
@mentions@AmericanCancer you are very concerned about the tobacco related deaths in the US. Do you know that Planned Murderhood you support with donations KILLS JUST AS MANY BABIES annually? Thats PREMEDITATED murder, not a chance taken by someone smoking too much. YOUR $$$ in action!
@mentions@AmericanCancer Did you make donors like these aware that you will take some of the money they collect for you to SAVE lives, so you could turn around and spend it to MURDER CHILDREN? Do @CoachesvsCancer know? Do Bo Ryan and his wife know their names are used to support murder?
@mentions@AmericanCancer did you make @PerryEllis aware that they partnered up with you to raise money so you could take some and support the KILLING of innocent American lives? Was @PerryEllis marketing department aware they signed a deal with you to murder children?
I can go on like this for days, and I will make it back to you, @AmericanCancer but I will finish the list of ALL companies supporting the GENOCIDE of American babies first. #TinyLivesAtStake #DefundPP #DefundPlannedParenthood #SaveTheChildren
@mentions@AmericanExpress You are the next stop here, of the companies who spend their money on MURDERING the INNOCENT. 1 million to heritage sites - how much to Planned Parenthood to kill lives? And dont give me the BS about matching employee contributions. YOU KNOW where your money goes
@mentions@AmericanExpress you care more about life of the ocean creatures thanlittle humans? Who at AMEX is in charge of charitable contributions. You list @AskAmex to answer questions - answer that one 👉We would like to know HOW MUCH and WHY Amex donated to PP to kill babies
@mentions@AmericanExpress You work with young people to prep them for future? Did your program include any mention how LUCKY they were that your money did not KILL them in their mother's womb? How does one qualify for the future leaders program or is chosen to be aborted by AMEX?
@mentions@AmericanExpress sponsoring Popsicle or some forceps - same thing right? makes no difference what your money buys? @AskAmex - care to comment? Because you ARE on the list of contributors in MANY places, even though PP is not making it public anymore.
@mentions@AmericanExpress you want to empower the next generation? You have to let it LIVE and grow up safely first! And just because you have some employees that want to MURDER children by donating to PP - does not give you a free pass to match that! #TinyLivesAtStake #DefundPP ANSWER US
@mentions@ATT you are next on the List of Shame! Since you donate money to kill babies - is it not hypocritical to use an image of a baby to advertise? Do you donate to WWF and then sponsor people to go club baby seals? Would THAT make the news?
@mentions@ATT @ATTCares All is well when you need to make a buck - cute happy kids are good for business. How about the last image here - money from YOUR donation helped purchase instruments like these. If anyone buys a gun and gives it to someone that shoots a person... accessory
@mentions@ATT @ATTCares more images with kids to advertise. While you give money to #PlannedMurderhood to kill babies!
@mentions@ATT @ATTCares your charitable contributions are approved by the council members of which are CEO approved. Charitable donations by employees that are matched by @ATT have to be seen and approved as well. You are ALL responsible for where your money goes…
@mentions@ATT @ATTCares Which one of these categories does #PlannedMurderhood fall under for you to support them?
@mentions@ATT @ATTCares you want people to donate and volunteer at events that are supposed to help communities yet you turn around and support MURDER at #PlannedMurderhood Do these donors know you sponsor other events, those that end silent scream of a baby?
@mentions@ATT @ATTCares You are LIABLE and I am calling you out on being involved in GENOCIDE of of INNOCENT AMERICAN LIVES. And I am pasting a picture of me tagging you here before Twitter censors and removes your name from the tweet like they did with AMEX #TinyLivesAtStake #DefundPP
You are next on the list of those who contribute to murdering babies in the womb. Yet just like the corporations I had called out before - you happily use imnages of kids in your advertising. So here is an image you contributed to as well
Bug repellent and makeup wont help the ones you helped murder. They were torn to pieces. Can your makeup cover THIS? 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Advocating against violence is great. But it is hypocritical when you want to protect someone from getting hurt and sponsor dismemberment of little babies at the same time. THIS is what you actually DO! 👇👇👇👇
What about baby's rights? And the first and most important one - to LIVE? Domestic violence? What about In-Womb Violence, when baby is ripped to pieces? Anyone calling the cops, anyone hearing the screams of agony? AVON - you PAY TO HAVE THAT DONE!
@mentions@avonfoundation @AvonInsider You should be ASHAMED of yourselves to be on a list of accomplices to murder. I am posting screenshots so everyone knows that not only AVON donates to #PlannedMurderhood , Twitter removes your name from my tweets #DefundPP #TinyLivesAtStake
@mentions@BankofAmerica You are next on the list of those who pay to get American babies murdered DAILY! Are the same people laundering money for criminals who are involved in executing children while still in mother's womb?
@mentions@BankofAmerica #BofAPride 🌈 Would you affix the same sticker to a pregnant woman's belly? You promote safety and gay rights - dont gay couples ADOPT? ALL states in America allow same sex couple adoption. @BankofAmerica pays to murder babies that gay couples could ADOPT
@mentions@BankofAmerica nice to post about Father's Day, isn't it? That warm and fuzzy feeling for people to associate with, while promoting your business. Do your customers and investors know you money killed babies? and special olympics, really? Because you also paid for forceps too
@mentions@BankofAmerica @BofAPride do people from @SOGAchampions know you use them as pawns because you really DO NOT CARE about children?
@mentions@BankofAmerica @BofAPride - where is the love for the babies you helped murder? They are defenseless, alone, in a place that should have been the SAFEST in anyone's life - their mother's womb. And they are forced to fight for their life before they even experienced it!
Proof of each Tweet being sent to @BankofAmerica and @BofAPride - twitter will remove these, protecting their sponsors as usual. Twitter does not care about their lives either. Shame on you, BOA, to pretend to care and pay tp murder AMERICAN KIDS!
@mentions@BankofAmerica you MASSIVELY contribute to not only kill American Lives, but to hinder many constitutional rights! bank of America - you should change your name, you are NOT American! You are COMMUNIST!…
#DefundPP #TinyLivesAtStake
@mentions@bathbodyworks it is disgusting to me that you are on this list. Playing it off the happy colors and moods while in fact you are a contributor to #AmericanHolocaust Rubber duckies come to mind when you give your baby first baths in the sink. But what about those murdered by PP?
@mentions@bathbodyworks your parent company is Limited Brands and La Senza owned by them is also on the list of donors. So it is clear that those running
@L_Brands are in charge and aware of the donations. I am calling for boycott of all 5 here and @L_Brands you are on the radar now!
@mentions@L_Brands @bathbodyworks you have the balls to post about giving Outstanding Mother Awards while behind the scenes you PAY to MURDER innocent babies?
@mentions@bathbodyworks @L_Brands how did Planned Murderhood obtain the funds form you? They are NOT non-profit organization! They make money on baby parts! You break your own rules. And what is this BS about NURTURING CHILDREN? - you pay to KILL babies!…
@mentions@L_Brands @bathbodyworks Limited Brands - do your shareholders know you are in business of taking lives? The lives of INNOCENT AMERICAN BABIES. You are publicly traded company and I dont see any information in financial markets about your subsidiaries donating to murder!
Limited Brands @L_Brands Mr. Leslie Herbert WEXNER you are the CEO of public company that donates to killing babies. Limited Brands shareholders - ARE YOU AWARE that youre part of it? Do women buying products know the portion of their money goes to that as well?
Bath and Body Works, Pink, Victoria's Secret, La Senza, Henri Bendel - if you use their products, all owned by Limited Brands @L_Brands , you are not AWARE products you buy fuel murdering babies in America. Money is made and then donated to Murder in the Womb.
Boycott Limited Brands products @L_Brands 👉Bath and Body Works, Pink, Victoria's Secret, La Senza, Henri Bendel 👈 Limited Brands - you help kill American Babies #DefundPP #DefundPlannedParenthood #TinyLivesAtStake
Ben and Jerry's you are next on the list of baby killers. However your parent company is just as responsible. Unilever - you let your subsidiaries make decisions like supporting murder - you are liable too!
Twitter will remove these handles so I want to make sure you all see who is involved 👉BenJerrysVT benandjerrys Unilever unileverusa UnileverWorld 👈
Here is a list of all Unilever - products.
@mentions@unileverusa You are liable for MURDER. One of your subsidiaries is on the list of contributors to #AmericanHolocaust , the murder of American babies. BOYCOTT UNILEVER!! They take your money and donate to #PlannedMurderhood to do THIS 👇👇👇
The silent cries of babies that never see the light of day and are murdered in the womb with help of YOUR dollars are in YOU! Do your shareholders know you murder kids???
You buy Ben and Jerry's ice cream - few cents of that might have gobe to murder a child. Think about it next time you make a choice in front of the freezer at your store. Boycott Ben and Jerry's!!
@mentions@UnileverWorld @Unilever @BenJerrysVT
@benandjerrys @unileverusa
Boycott them and make sure people KNOW that products they make support killing children! Ben and Jerry's - you wanna get into politics? Then we have the right to call you out on supporting MURDER
@mentions@Clorox @CloroxCo Why is your company involved in murder of babies? Why do you donate to #PlannedMurderhood and participate in #AmericanHolocaust ? Money sent to PP is used to rip children to pieces in their mother's womb.
@mentions@CloroxCo @Clorox Modify your website - you kill germs AND babies! & how morbid is the fact that your products are used to clean up AFTER that MURDER. And philanthropy...really? Paying #PlannedMurderhood to rip babies to shreds is part of that philanthropy?
Here are the people making decisions at @CloroxCo Here are the people RESPONSIBLE for deaths of children @Clorox made possible by donating to #PlannedMurderhood
Why does the Code of Conduct at @CloroxCo not apply to rights of babies to LIVE???? Can your new Wipes wipe the blood off these murder weapons?
You have balls to post about Mother's Day, @CloroxCo ? You use kids in your ads and say plastic is bad for environment? Dont you think murder tools you sposnored for #PlannedMurderhood do more harm? Lives of babies are terminated NOW, I dont give a damn what plastic will do LATER
So you donate to #PlannedMurderhood at @CloroxCo and CEO gets to be in Hall of Fame? Is this a joke? Do people KNOW that @Clorox supports killing babies? Where is THAT on your website, where is THAT on your financial report? Robb - former CFO, you KNEW and authorized $$ for PP!!
To RENEW LIFE first you have to have it. @CloroxCo pays to end lives. Do you sell pills to renew lives of babies murdered using funds from YOUR DONATION to #PlannedMurderhood? Look at the last pic - that is a lifeless baby. LOOK and let it hit you hard, @Clorox YOU helped it!
Clorox - @CloroxCo - helps murder American Children. If you own their stock or use their products you have to know it. Also - some of those "natural" products you were buying - guess who makes them…
The list of #PlannedMurderhood donors includes @Clorox Everyone needs to know that. You buy their products, portion of that money you spend might go towards killing a baby. #TinyLivesAtStake #ProLife #DefundPP #SaveTheChildren
Next on the list of donors to #PlannedMurderhood - @CocaColaCo
@CocaCola . First thing that immediately came to mind as I looked at your page - where are the names of babies you helped murder via PP? Should you release some bottles with "_ _ _ _ _ _" on them?
Hey Quincey how much of that Q2 profit from @CocaColaCo is going to kill American babies? Yeah, you SPONSOR, you KILL. You hold the tools #PlannedMurderhood uses to cut babies alive and tear them out of their mother's womb. Hows that for a slide for your shareholder's meeting?
Quincey and @CocaColaCo @CocaCola - hooking you on sugar to take your money so they can donate to #PlannedMurderhood Did Stacey and Jara get a lifetime supply of coke and a coupon to #PlannedMurderhood in case they forget condoms on their honeymoon?
List of what @CocaColaCo - who spend money on killing babies - sell to you. @CocaCola - you are pro-choice? Well We get to choose NOT to buy what you sell!!…
it makes me sick how much of @CocaColaCo @CocaCola advertising is geared towards kids, getting them hooked on the junk you push. And I see someone at the top is really sensitive when it comes to gay rights - what about the rights of babies to EXPERIENCE LIFE???
@mentions@CocaColaCo The Foundation decides about all grants? is that including money spent on MURDER? List of 2017 grants here.… And like 2ndvote states - donations to United way - 1,5 million…
Same 2ndvote list shows @CocaColaCo supports a MASSIVE amount of programs that are ANTI-AMERICAN! Boycott all @CocaCola products! @CocaColaCo You are clearly in pockets of those who want to destroy this country! You donate to veterans only to donate to squash 2A rights! Hypocrisy
Sponsored by @CocaColaCo - #PlannedMurderhood Company that supposedly is non-profit, tax exempt status, where you can legally be a murderer and make 6-figure salaries. THAT IS WHAT YOU SUPPORT @CocaCola and that is why WE WILL BOYCOTT YOU!
Pulling name from #PlannedMurderhood website is not enough. @CocaColaCo you need to pull funding and sponsorship from ANY company that gives funds that are used in #AmericanHolocaust of our babies! Your CEO James Quincey is ultimately RESPONSIBLE! #TinyLivesAtStake #DefundPP
Next on the list of baby murderers is @Converse and i find it SICKENING that one of their ads is using a medical procedure as background to sell shoes. Does your marketing department KNOW what other "medical" procedures you are involved in?
Since @Converse is owned by @Nike it makes them both liable as far as product lines sold to turn the profit into donations that murder babies.…
@mentions@Nike not only supports those that fund #PlannedMurderhood but also sponsor many others who aim at destroying our freedoms… @Nike @Converse - you are pro-Choice and anti-American!
Even after info surfacing abotu #PlannedMurderhood SELLING baby parts @Nike continues support of the #AmericanHolocaust BOYCOTT @Nike and @Converse and all they sell. Otherwise your hard earned dollars WILL GO TO KILLING AN INNOCENT AMERICAN BABY!…
List of more donors to #PlannedMurderhood 👉…👈 make sure you check the IRS list as well. Some of them donate and try to hide it the best they can! ALL MURDER babies! #AmericanHolocaust #TinyLivesAtStake…
Companies Backing Planned Parenthood - @Nike - You actively back up #AmericanHolocaust and give money to #PlannedMurderhood causing more tiny lives to be extinguished. Your liberal agenda is known, all patriots WILL BOYCOTT YOU #BoycottNike…
We are consumers, we have choices, we choose NOT to buy form those who kill babies - @Nike and @adidas - I will never buy or accept ANYTHING with your logo and will make sure everyone knows your money supports MURDER #DefundPP #TinylivesAtStake…
Next - @DeutscheBank 👉promoting diversity and pride. How proud are YOU, for donating money to murder babies? How does THAT benefit your business, why - just like another large bank, @BankofAmerica - are you involved in eliminating human life? You both disgust me, baby KILLERS!
There are many ways in which @DeutscheBank fuels #AmericanHolocaust and supports #PlannedMurderhood Christian Sewing, CEO of DB - you have a family of our own, 4 kids. WHY do you let your company participate in genocide? Their blood IS on YOUR hands too! You sponsor MURDER!
What I find really disturbing that like EVERY company from the #PlannedMurderhood donot list I had tagged so far, @DeutscheBank is heavily invested and clearly pushing the LGBT agenda and promoting diversity. I see a lot of gay pride flags, not ONE sign of support for the unborn
@mentions@DeutscheBank - where does your guideline for sponsorship talk about getting involved in mercenary work? is killing babies a tax write-off for you? The Board - you are ALL responsible for these images, the CEO, CFO, especially - you KNOW where your money goes. Here 👇👇👇👇👇
Just like @BankofAmerica this evil institution called @DeutscheBank is participating in funding #AmericanHolocaust by sponsoring #PlannedMurderhood. Shame on you for using investors money to kill American Babies! #TinyLivesAtStake #DefundPlannedParenthood #ProLife #DefundPP
Another brand name you might want to reconsider while making a purchase - @Dockers - is on the list of #PlannedMurderhood supporters. And ANOTHER one proudly waving the gay rights flag all over their page. What about the rights to LIVE for the tiny American babies you pay to kill
Hey @Dockers - you like using children in your ads? Here, some pics you can put on your page, courtesy of...YOU! Yeah, there is blood on your hands! You give money to #PlannedMurderhood - you are just as guilty! These are little humans you pay to murder!
Wanna put some @Dockers khakis on the babies that will NEVER have a chance to play, walk, sing, draw, love, learn....never have a chance to see sun? How DARE you put children in your ads?
And since @LeviStraussCo owns @Dockers we should ALL think about WHERE we spend our money since you take it from consumers and turn around and give it to baby killers. And like in all cases before - @LeviStraussCo is promoting pride. Here, are you proud of the torn up babies?
I wonder if @LeviStraussCo CEO Chip Bergh is planning with #PlannedMurderhood as much as he plans to make another buck? And @LEVIS - you will definitely star in a role - of one of the ones that will go down with #PP as child murderers. You pay PP - You KILL American Babies
NEVER AGAIN buy from ANYONE that kills innocent lives! @LeviStraussCo @LEVIS @Dockers you will never see a dollar from me or anyone I am able to stop. All of you on this list are decision-makers. You are RESPONSIBLE for every dollar, also the dollars that do THIS 👇👇👇
Brands of @LeviStraussCo @LEVIS @Dockers to boycott. Dont agree with their support of #PlannedMurderhood and #AmericanHolocaust ! You pay to put murdered babies in a dumpster but thats where all YOUR stuff belongs! #BoycottLevis #TinyLivesAtStake #DefundPP…
Next on the list of assholes - @Energizer You are an easy one. No more @Energizer for me - you support the murder of Americans, you support genocide of entire new generations, you support the EVIL and BARBARIC process of DISMEMBERING defenseless babies. @Energizer $$ at work 👇👇
I wonder if you will be replying to me @Energizer I see that you gladly answer all kinds of stupid questions. I have a serious one - WHY DO YOU LIKE TO GIVE MONEY TO BABY KILLERS? Another one: WHY IS KILLING A BABY 5 MIN AFTER BIRTH MURDER and a "PROCEDURE" WHILE IN THE WOMB?
I was wondering why a company like @Energizer would get involved in funding #PlannedMurderhood but its easier to understand when i see that you subdivided and are into feminine product brands. ALL OF THESE BRANDS bring revenue, portion of which is spent on killing babies! 👇👇👇
so @Energizer owned brands like @playtex_sport @SchickXtreme @bananaboat
@SchickHydro etc - all part of this murderous plan. Your sales support MURDER. Here are the people "in the know" as far as money. You live in Missouri and know any of them - ask why they like to kill babies
While @Energizer and their execs fill their pockets with YOUR money they decide to give some to #PlannedMurderhood to kill innocent lives. Did you KNOW THAT while buying batteries for your kids' toys? Cold irony, isnt it? Well next time DO NOT use @Energizer or brands they own
Anyone supporting #PlannedMurderhood in ANY way - money, publicity, votes, marches, articles - you support #AmericanHolocaust, you support murder of innocent lives, you support destruction of God's gifts. I see more attention and protection given to species of bats than babies
This evil needs to stop. @Energizer you are called out because you are on the list of MURDERERS.
#TinyLivesAtStake #DefundPlannedParenthood #DefundPP #SaveTheChildren #AmericanHolocaust Help, spread the word. Make these names known, stop the murder of innocent children
Twitter has cut this thread as I am adding to it.
And @Ford takes the next spot, next to the rest of baby killers. How can an icon of America be in ANY way connected to genocide of American babies? How can you sell America's pick up trucks, take money from hard working people and then fund those who DESTROY American families
Besides supporting abortion @Ford there are numerous non-patriotic trends. Sanctuary cities, Abortion, Common Core - what else are you involved in that we need to know? Isnt #AmericanHolocaust baby killing enough? I see you pay attention to tags, are you gonna answer this one?
Hey @Ford are you kidding me with this post? Lets just think for a second and I think you will agree that the ultimate hypocrisy is to say oone thing and do the opposite. You are in one special club - of Baby Killers
Some might say that @Ford publicly asked to be removed from the list but you should have thought of negative publicity BEFORE you started matching your own employee "gifts of DEATH. If your employees donated to ISIS - would you match that? Then dont tell me you "didnt know"
I'd be ASHAMED to be on the list of donors to #PlannedMurderhood And I'd be very very ashamed to be part of @Ford executive team that is aware of some company profits to be spent on killing children. Was Planned Parenthood ever mentioned in your financial reports? I doubt it.
I am disgusted that American company like @Ford would ever consider getting involved in pre-planned genocide with company that has NOTHING to do with improving lives of women, families, kids, it has NOTHING TO DO WITH PARENTING and everything to do with MURDER. #TinyLivesAtStake
List of baby murderers continues with @Groupon You probably don't know much about @Groupon because they started in 2008 but here is a list of companies they absorbed. If you use any of these all over the world - your money could have gone to #PlannedMurderhood
Hey @Groupon - I see that you answer many questions on your page. Comparing to what i am gonna ask - its all trivial bullshit. Answer the IMPORTANT one here - WHY DO YOU DONATE MONEY TO #PlannedMurderhood THAT IS USED TO KILL AMERICAN BABIES? Your f'n groupons paid for murder
There are pictures of families with kids on your page. Just like all previous companies from the list of murderers, the hypocrisy of @Grpupon is astounding. Did you mention to that family that another thing @Grpoupon does is donate to have babies torn apart in mother's womb?
So @Groupon fights hunger? Really? You are real heroes, such humanitarians. Watch these videos and get back to me with answers on WHY you send your teams to clean parks but pay to murder kids… Ans yeah, it is graphic. Buckle up, your $$ pays for it
If you own @Groupon stock I hope you are aware of some of the profit money going to kill innocent lives. Stop using @Groupon The few dollars you save are NOT worth a tiny defenseless life. Stop putting your hard earned dollars in pockets of those who use it for EVIL
Lets meet the people running @Groupon , decision makers that LET $$$ flow to #PlannedMurderhood Here are the people that do NOT care about human life. A rabid dog gets a better treatment while being put down than a baby that is ripped to shreds during abortion. And you PAY for it
I don't expect answer from anyone at @Groupon They will post about complete bullshit on their page but I am yet to hear from ANY of these baby murdering companies. I am not seeing ANYONE coming forward and apologizing and promising restitution. Invest in #Adoption !
I am asking for boycott of @Groupon for their contribution to #AmericanHolocaust , for their support of #PlannedMurderhood
#TinyLivesAtStake #DefundPlannedParenthood #SaveTheChildren
next a'hole on list of baby killers is @Intuit which pulls in @QuickBooks @IntuitAccts @IntuitTurbo for starters. You use them - STOP! Your money goes through their pocket straight to #PlannedMurderhood Headquartered in Mexifornia. Shocked? i dont think so
So you care about moms returning to work @Intuit What about those recovering from abortions you paid for?
You support diversity yet you donate to PP which was started to kill black babies, EDUCATE yourself because you look STUPID when you post LGBT stuff
@mentions@turbotax is part of @Intuit Boycott @turbotax and get a local tax accountant do do your taxes. Give your money to local business instead of corporation that murders babies! Because there is NO escaping it. Ever. Mothers who did it are feeling guilty, @Intuit IS GUILTY
Here is the executive management of @Intuit Yes, EXECUTIVE, they fund EXECUTIONS of innocent babies. Do you still want to use their lame @turbotax to calculate the taxes portion of which will ALSO go to #PlannedMurderhood ?? Names and faces 👇 #DefundPP
stop using @turbotax by @Intuit It is sick that software calculating how much money you give the government donates to #AmericanHolocaust and on the other hand what numbers they tell you to sign over to IRS ALSO feed the Killing Machine that is #PlannedMurderhood
👉@Intuit needs to APOLOGIZE for killing innocent babies. Admit you were wrong when you donated to the MurderMachine. Correct what you have done - if you can donate to kill babies you can donate to save them - fund organizations fighting child trafficking, fund #ADOPTION
👉 @Intuit - reverse the barbaric and un-american decisions of funding #PlannedMurderhood I will be calling to BOYCOTT @Intuit and all their products. Do not use them! You dont need murderers to do your taxes and organize your databases! #DefundPP #TinyLivesAtStake
One of the more surprising corporations supporting #PlannedMurderhood is
@JNJCares /@JNJNews /@JNJParents /@JNJGlobalHealth You are not fooling anyone with that American Flag - we KNOW you paid to murder AMERICAN babies! Did you know that 100% of abortions are preventable??
So @JNJCares supports PP in many ways and it also states here that there is a Pro-Life support. How can one company fund both sides? However it doesn't matter - even @JNJCares supported through ONE channel it would still count as killing babies.
And the rest of the @JNJCares supported organizations are ANTI-AMERICAN!! So why dont you cut the crap and stop talking about veterans and using American flag to sell your product. You are against NRA and pro sanctuary cities! And lets not forget PRO ABORTION. CFO its on YOU!
You have to be absolutely shitting me with this on your website! Why dont you put the images of ABORTED babies there @JNJCares - because you DO SPONSOR #AmericanHolocaust and baby genocide by #PlannedMurderhood Why dont you tell your customers and shareholders you pay for murder
more bullshit from @JNJCares We KNOW how you "care" - by supporting those who tear babies to pieces in their mother's womb! And then you have the balls to post this crap on your website??? Hypocrisy by @JNJCares is ASTOUNDING but we don't buy it You support #PlannedMurderhood
@mentions@JNJCares website is spewing bullshit. They say they care about babies and mothers. NOPE. You PAY TO KILL THEM! You want to see double standard in action - here are the faces and names of those who make decisions to use money from sales of baby powder to kill the unborn Angels
Boycott products made for babies by BABY KILLERS 👉@JNJCares Do not buy any of this 👉…
🚨🚨🚨Boycott 👉Johnson & Johnson @JNJCares 👈 products for their active role in #AmericanHolocaust by supporting #PlannedMurderhood financially! And for their anti-American stance on 2nd Amendment!!
#TinyLivesAtStake #DefundPP #SaveTheChildren 🚨🚨🚨
I have mentioned these baby murdering assholes earlier in the thread while talking about @bathbodyworks but next in line is @LaSenza so I will mention them again - never too much negative exposure for those who like to support #PlannedMurderhood Boycott ALL FIVE please!
Just like the rest of LBrands owned brands @LaSenza profits are used to fuel abortion at #PlannedMurderhood They are also anti-American for going AGAINST our rights to conceal carry
Here are the names of people that decide about taking money from you and giving it to tear apart babies piece by piece at LBrands part of which is @LaSenza and @VictoriasSecret……
Again- please boycott those who decide that YOUR money will sponsor death of babies - @LaSenza @VictoriasSecret @VSPINK @bathbodyworks @HenriBendel
Do not support killing of American babies by spending on their products!
#DefundPP #TinyLivesAtStake #ProLife #AmericanHolocaust
When I listed @Dockers on the list of baby killing sponsors I had mentioned @LEVIS as well. Same company, same bastards that take your money and fund #PlannedParenthood so if you missed the earlier posts on this thread - @LEVIS is next in line and yeah - the pay to kill babies
Also - it looks like @LEVIS likes to pick and chose what liberties are respected, which are not. So at @LEVIS store I have to be ok with them funding tearing babies to shreds and respecting gay rights but they are NOT OK with me carrying my weapon as a law abiding citizen.
To your statement @LEVIS - as God fearing American I have a DUTY to boycott all you make, all you support and all you stand for as company because not only you want to impede my constitutional rights but most of all - the rights of next generations of Americans to LIVE
CEO of @LEVIS - you have got to be shitting me with this "foundation" statement. I suggest you watch this video and get back to me… And after you WATCH all - let's chat about WELL BEING and HUMAN RIGHTS. These are HUMANS you pay to kill! BOYCOTT @LEVIS !!
The miracle of life needs our PROTECTION. @LEVIS donates to #PlannedMurderhood fueling #AmericanHolocaust Show your support in supporting the unborn and BOYCOTT all @LEVIS merchandise. #TinyLivesAtStake #ProLife #DefundPlannedParenthood #SaveTheChildren
24th on the list of the DIRECT #PlannedMurderhood financial supporters is @LibertyMutual @AskLiberty I see they have time to answer a lot of bullshit tweets. Here is my question for @LibertyMutual - WHY DO YOU SUPPORT #AmericanHolocaust , why dont you care about #TinyLivesAtStake
There are some disturbing signs coming from @LibertyMutual as far as whom they support. @LibertyMutual is a mess! How can you support both sides? Do you know what youre doing? Majority of support is going toward pro-abortion though and thats enough for me to call you out on it!
Headquartered in Mass. @LibertyMutual is obviously pulling to the left with few more anti-American contributions, supporting sanctuary cities and my rights to conceal-carry. @LibertyMutual is not anyone patriotic Americans should be giving their business to!
Your creed at @LibertyMutual below. Youre a joke, while seeking to prevent injury and death you SPONSOR use of tools like THESE here! @AskLiberty - I want you to take a close look at these instruments and I dare one of your to respond to this thread. Own your actions!
Is there another version of this action at @LibertyMutual called MURDER WITH LIBERTY? Because that's exactly what your contributions to #PlannedMurderhood do!
You provide help for the most vulnerable "neighbors"? There is nothing more vulnerable than a child in a womb you kill!
At @LibertyMutual you proudly support Pride Month 2018? Seems you also support murder of innocent children. I dont see that listed anywhere? Why not? Arent you proud of that? And you are so fair when it comes to race, religion etc YET YOU PAY TO DENY THE MOST BASIC RIGHT -TO LIVE
Scary part is that by saying that @LibertyMutual matches employee donation to #PlannedMurderhood they make it look like it's not really in their control. Bullshit. It is. And what's worse - there is no cap on it. If your dumbass employees decide to give 5 million - you match it!
And if you KILL BABIES @LibertyMutual - DO NOT USE children to advertise, you hypocritical murderers! Because here are some pictures you are responsible for!!
Meet the team of people responsible for murdering American babies on behalf of @LibertyMutual 👉… 👈 If you know any of them- congratulate them on being part of #AmericanHolocaust
Boycott @libertyMutual for sponsoring murder and being against Christian values. Those who willingly destroy innocent lives, pay to harm the most vulnerable LIFE do not deserve your business. @LibertyMutual is against your rights to conceal carry and is PRO sanctuary cities!
Next on the list was @Macys but I am happy to see that their management responded to the outcry and STOPPED supporting #PlannedMurderhood
Jeff - Thanks for doing the right thing. However you CAN do more for the #ProLife movement. Advocating to help women affected by cancer is great but cancer is not the biggest killer of women. Abortion is - way more little women are murdered daily.
How about @Macys doing something to make up for the lives extinguished by #PlannedMurderhood with your financial help? You walked in the wrong direction but now its time to make up for it. How about promoting and supporting #Adoption Help mothers HAVE their babies!
On the list of murderers @Macys is an example of what could happen if we raise awareness. They listened to our voices. They still support sanctuary cities and are against gun owners so NOT OUT OF LIBERAL WEEDS yet. Thats for a different thread
Now here is one that evokes a lot of emotion - how could @MarchofDimes be funding #AmericanHolocaust How could charity asking for compassion, help and funds turn around and use those funds to MURDER innocent American babies??? I honestly cannot understand this myself...
How can organization like @MarchofDimes be NEUTRAL when it comes to abortion? You call for support and health of mother's and their children. Do these images show anything healthy? How can anyone in charge
👉@MarchofDimesPrz 👈advocate for babies and allow funds to fuel MURDER?
How about we take POLITICS out of this and focus on LIFE FIRST @MarchofDimesPrz @MarchofDimes ? Transparent - does it REALLY say MARCH FOR BABIES? Which ones? The ones of the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS or the American ones you paid to murder?
Why would ANYONE at this point support @MarchofDimes @MarchofDimesPrz I say we have enough reasons to completely BOYCOTT!!! @MarchofDimes is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for deaths of babies! You fund #PlannedMurderhood - you KILL babies! READ 👇👇
I am truly disgusted that ANYONE working at @MarchofDimes had it in them to propose and others to APPROVE such grants. Donating 22k to kill babies is not done without signed approvals. Were these people fired? What will @MarchofDimesPrz do to correct it?…
Supporting #PlannedMurderhood supports the change of mentality. Abortion is not BIRTH CONTROL. What @MarchofDimes paid for is POPULATION CONTROL that changes the way people think about innocent lives! What evil is capable of killing an innocent baby? Ask @MarchofDimesPrz 👈
As the above states - @MarchofDimes supports CULTURE OF MURDER. Has anyone seen this video?
And what do you think about this statement by #PlannedMurderhood Read it @MarchofDimes and tell us how much you will donate to #Adoption in America?
We won't stand idle when ANY organization bluntly supports the genocide of babies. We will not allow, we will not forget. @MarchofDimes youre an accessory to MURDER. The lack of your moral compass, decency and dignity on behalf mothers and kids you say you support is appalling
Boycott and CALL OUT @MarchofDimes @MarchofDimesPrz on their stance, supporting #PlannedMurderhood and #AmericanHolocaust read the entire article below. Help me raise awareness, please RT this entire thread. #SaveTheChildren #TinyLivesAtStake #ProLife #DefundPlannedParenthood

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Sep 17, 2018
Why did this all of a sudden go quiet? I saw footage and interestingly enough most of what was shown were FIRES, not explosions. Can someone tell me why gas leak would ignite the attic not basement/kitchen where gas pipes actually are
Also - looking at the map - how could possibly ALL THESE properties across 3 towns have gas leak at the same time? Are there NO SAFETY VALVES of some sort, to prevent many square miles of what is densely populated area from being affected?
Lastly - how does gas leaking into a home just ignite, not explode?
I am no expert but I am trying to think of a reason why room filling with leaking natural gas would NOT explode? Room filling with gas, light switch or thermostat, spark - explosion.…
Read 4 tweets
Jun 28, 2018
#PlannedMurderhood - multiple violations of privacy showing they DO NOT care about women, families and especially babies, A non profit getting millions of YOUR tax $$ only to turn around and make huge profits on baby parts while NOT PAYING TAX…
#PlannedMurderhood releases bogus reports backed heavily by leftist propaganda, by students brainwashed in liberal colleges & tricked into volunteering for the Killing Machine that has NOTHING but profit in mind. How can a non-profit's boss make 6 figures? #DefundPP and close it!
Next on the Accomplice To Child Murder List is @Expedia Just like in few previous instances - I am wondering if @Expedia will respond to my thread. Yeah, I am TAGGING you because you are a #PlannedMurderhood financial supporter. You answer random BS tweets. Answer this one 👇👇
Read 10 tweets

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