-HH was the darling of Paki security (ISI) including Bhutto
- in '80-81 he'd just started out as a reporter -- in Pakistan (supposedly)
- when BO was at Columbia
- HH could have been an "ISI" spook in NYC during that time, to find & start grooming a manchurian
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@RealEyeTheSpy Projecting on The Theory a bit...
- HH becomes the ISI spyring leader in DC (also Paki ambassador)
- runs the recent #AwanGate network
- runs the older Awan ring
- ties to Rand think tank
- ties to MB
- ties to msm
- wife in network
- runs trafficking
- serves up OBL
- hires MS13
@RealEyeTheSpy Clear link to multi-generation Paki DC spyring through wife & embassy house.
He would have been groomed for the task, like BO & BC were groomed.
HH is linked to Madeline Albright, Diplomacy Works, JK...
So how does a population where family protection been made illegal arm themselves? A: Improvise
You see the predators do so already. They use molotov cocktails, sling acid, run down folks with vehicles, gen up pressure cooker bombs, ignite forests, make shivs, & even sling shit.
Small town in Mexico caught a paedo...
- and exercised deterrence