by Pastor Bertrand L. Comparet,A.B., J.D.
Have you ever stopped to question the intense hatred there is in the world for #white#Christians?
"The written intention of our heavenly Father #Yahweh is expressed in His prayer when we pray, Thy will be done on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN.
"In keeping with this, is #Yahshua's [Jesus'] statement that #Yahweh's servants have been on earth for thousands of years.
"The first of #Yahweh's people was #Adam. When Yahweh couldn't find a suitable mate from among all the #races then existing on earth, he made a mate for #Adam out of one of his ribs.
"This servant #race was and is to be the #servants of #Yahweh on earth until every knee shall bend at the feet of #Yahshua, our coming King.
"The enemies of our #Christ hated him, and still do, with such a bitter hatred, they broke every then-existing law to have Him suffer and die upon the ✝️.
"WE know that this #crucifixion could only happen because He had come to die for us, that we might enjoy #eternal life with Him.
"The bitterness of the slayers of #Yahshua has never ended and they are just as determined now, as they were two thousand years ago, to destroy #Christianity. These #anti-#Christ Jews want to keep the family of #Christ in constant ridicule.
"The #white#race has been kept in darkness about their status and destiny on earth.
"Let's look at the #facts of the #Bible as they show up in #history. We then challenge you to examine the #facts, as we present them to you from the #Bible and #history.
"The hatred for you as a #Christian is fostered and propagated daily to keep you in darkness about your real status as the earthly hands of #Christ, to do His work until He returns as King of Kings.
"Let's examine the evidence.
"Over 700 years before #Christ, hundreds of thousands of the so-called lost tribes of #Israel were taken captive into Assyria. This happened on the south side of the CAUCASIAN mountains.
"We have been told, over the centuries, that these hundreds of thousands of people just disappeared from sight. What are the facts?
"A great horde of people started to migrate from the north side of the #Caucasian mountains and have been known ever since as the #Caucasian race. These were, in fact, #Israelites and they migrated to and settled every #white nation of today.
"The intense hatred there is in the world, for #white#Christians, started with #Yahshua himself, read His words in #Matthew 10:22. 'And ye shall be hated of all men for my sake, but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.'
"Doesn't it make you wonder that these #Christian#nations of the world, are also the HAVE-#nations of the world?
"How do you separate these facts from the words of #Yahshua? We are told in #Matthew 15:24 by #Yahshua, 'I am not sent but unto the lost 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑of the house of #Israel.'
"In #John 10:27 #Yahshua said, 'My 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.'
"#Matthew 10:5-6 continues, 'Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not. But go rather to the lost 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 of the house of #Israel.'
"Today, twenty centuries later, who are the people who have heard the Master's voice? In what countries is the #Bible taught as a #national#religion?
"It is and always has been the #white#Christians who have sent missionaries around the world, to carry the gospel, the good news of #Yahshua and the message of the kingdom.
"Christianity is not THE religion of China, Japan, India, Africa, or any other countries except the #white#nations.
"#John 3:16 has been fulfilled by the tireless efforts of #Yahshua's #church sending out missionaries all over the world.
"#Yahshua had different words for those who did not believe in Him then, and still don't believe in Him today, after all these centuries.
"#Yahshua explains why these people don't believe, in #John 10:26. 'But ye believe not because you are not my 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 as I said unto you.'
"Let's explore deeply and honestly the words of the #Bible regarding the #nations of #Israel, the so-called lost tribes.
"The so-called lost tribes of #Israel, for over 3,000 years, have been known as the #Caucasian or #Christian people.
"Yet, if we follow the Judaized teachings of the #Christian churches of today, a vast horde of millions of people have been lost with no trace.
"Are you a person who thinks this to be #true, or have you taken the time to examine the facts, as recorded in the #Bible?
"Make notes of the following #scriptures, and after reading them, search your minds to see if these people are alive and doing well today. These people are the people of whom the #Bible records the #prophecies and #history.
"Let's examine what the #Bible has to say about them.
"9. II Samuel 7:13-16, Chronicles 22:10, II Chronicles 13:5: #Israel to have a #Davidic king forever.
"#Jacob, whose name was later changed to #Israel, had a dream with a stairway reaching to heaven and he awoke a changed man.
"So taken was he with his experience, he anointed the #stone he had used as a pillow and called it the House of #Yahweh.
"Iron rings were installed on each end of the #stone, and a pole extending through the rings allowed men to carry the #stone wherever the tribes of #Israel went.
"Today we can see this #stone built into the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey in London. There was a special shelf built into the chair, under the seat, to hold the #stone. (Since this was written, the stone has been moved to #Scotland.)
"Every king in #England for centuries has been crowned upon this coronation chair with Jacob's stone on the special shelf. The throne of #David was to last forever and be here for #Yahshua to assume, when He arrives as King of Kings.
"Joseph sat his sons so that the eldest, #Manassah, would receive the main blessing. But, #Israel crossed his arms stating that #Ephraim the youngest, would receive the main blessing.
"The #British flag has the cross bars, called the Cross of Jacob or Israel.
"This is only the start of the many references regarding #Israel in the latter days. No group of people in the world fulfill these #Bible promises except the #white#Christian#nations of today.
"#Israel, now known as #Christians, is here to be the #servants of Almighty Yahweh in the administration of the coming kingdom.
"Under #Yahshua, our divine guidance, every knee shall bend and every tongue shall confess that #Yahshua is #Savior and #King.
"Let's remember what has been written in II #Chronicles 7:14. If my people called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.'
CHAPTER I: The Programme of Christ and the Plans of Satan:
(i) Church and State;
(ii) The Indirect Power of the Church;
(iii) Marriage;
(iv) Education;
(v) Private Property;
(vi) Monetary System;
(vii) Submission to the Blessed Trinity with Christ in Holy Mass.
Our Lord’s Programme for Order versus Satan’s Plans for Disorder may be outlined as follows:
As a Catechumen I'm going to have to lay off the frontal attack of our (((enemies))), & BTW, (((they))) are not the only enemies of the Catholic Church. We are wise to anti-Christians, and it is a battle between good & evil, but FIRST I must learn to be a good, faithful Catholic.
Obv, this will be a challenge for me. Humility & passivity are not my strengths. But today, in talking w/my Catechist, a Priest, I learned that Europe was headed for its fall, long before (((Bolshevism))). Protestantism was the beginning -- and it hasn't helped USA, either.
Protestants are a proud people. My own fam, Scottish Presbyterians, go all the way back to the 1500s - & they came to America at that time. But I see that Protestantism was an ill-fated, wrong turn. And Europeans' degeneracy isn't all the Jews' fault. We have our own faults.
"Yahweh told Cain He would put a mark on him so the people would recognize him and not kill him. Just what was that mark? A tattoo? Long before any mysterious mark could possibly be identified, Cain would have been killed. And it wouldn't pass down to his children.
"Yahweh had to put this mark where it was the first thing others would see, He put it in the exact geometrical center of Cain's face. The mark of Cain is the hook-shaped nose they have borne ever since, as the sculptured monuments of the ancient empires show."
"We often hear that the Catholic Church has forbidden the reading of the Bible! This is another one of those big myths which has worked its way into the popular dialog but one that has not been proved from Church teaching and documents."
1. Catholics Are Accused of not allowing her members to read the Bible. 2. Albigensians 3. Geneva Bible 4. Tyndale's Bible 5. Martin Luther's Bible 6. Catholic Douay Rheims English Bible
"The Geneva Bible (1560 AD) is also known by its popular nickname, "THE BREECHES BIBLE," because of the translation of Genesis 3:7 '...and they sewed figge tree leaves together, and made themselves breeches.'
You have to understand -- we're conditioned. brainwashed over generations -- most of the history, science, culture and religion we're raised to DEFEND has only a kernel of truth and the rest is lies & propaganda that suits our ENEMIES -- Zionists, Jews, Communists.
I was taught terrible things about the Catholic Church and its history. And I accepted everything I was told without question. Same with WWII. I believed ALL of it. Why weren't we taught that the majority of our founders weren't Christian at all, but Freemasons, "Deists".
Why do Protestants need 33,000 denominations? Really? 33K? That's necessary under one religion called Christianity? Really? Why are Jews running our country? What about Zionism and inserting itself into Protestantism. Protestants were rolled. By the Jews. Face up.