So basically Trump and his Republican traitor buddies are giving Russia what they want for their assurance and assistance to help them attack and manipulate the 2018 election.
I would also highly suggest #Mueller scrutinize the Republicans sitting in that meeting with those Russians.
They seem highly incentivized
What could that incentive be?
Perhaps they were called there?Forced to be there?
It’s not just money.
There’s way more under the radar
Get real
they know who they’re really taking orders from
they’ve already cut thru the bullshit bc they’re complicit
they know the stakes. It’s their asses.
They’re just showing up to hang a public face on it. Already a done deal at the top. These men are Trump’s dancing monkeys
Lets get even more real
What happens if the #Mueller report gets marginalized somehow thru Trump’s assault on all three branches of government?
My guess is they’re planning something “BIG” to counter the timing of the release IF they can’t stop #Mueller first.
Alcohol is the solution for a true alcoholic. It’s a powerful cure for what fills up empty feelings, hides fear, represses social anxiety and boosts self confidence ‘sought for’ in an entire lifetime
The problem is: the cure kills them, jails them, mentally institutionalizes them, or worse... leaves them alive, functioning like zombies. Their family and friends are left bobbing in the ripple of their collateral damage
Alcohol is one of the deadliest drugs in the world & it’s everywhere. Like a poisonous, deadly fruit of knowledge hanging on apple trees on every street corner begging to be picked. Some ppl are immune. Some ppl aren’t. If u know ur genetically predisposed & you drink? Lookout.
Do we want an active alcoholic that’s in denial in the Supreme Court?
He’s scared shitless of the FBI
Chronic severe subtype
“... the rarest & most dangerous type of alcoholism, making up 9.2 percent of alcoholics. Chronic severe alcoholics average 38 years of age. They begin drinking early (at 16 years) & develop alcohol dependence later (around 29)”