Tips for networking with @JoWood04 - stressed out experiences of "networking" at a previous conferences - hiding in toilets, going for a walk outside. #canrelate#CILIPConf18
Did a big survey - 238 responses - 42% felt uncomfortable networking, but rated the actual experience higher than the idea of it. Only a third had something to do in the breaks to help facilitate. The worst situation was when people just had to make conversation during breaks.
Buddying/mentoring would be great in lots of conferences. Can reach out on hashtag.
Try to talk to at least one person you don't know. Go to social events. Give your business cards out if appropriate.
Don't expect to make lifelong friends in 2 days. Networking is 2-way - if they're rude to you, that's on them and not your problem. Don't be under pressure to be dynamic and enthusiastic all the time.
Go to some of the social events but build in some downtime as it's exhausting!
When you get home - follow up straight away. Reflect on your networking experiences, look over the hashtag, share your own thoughts about you experiences.
Organisers - facilitate networking better. Structured - designated areas for topics. Event layout - zoned into what interaction you want, programmed networking with activities. Food, drink etc - social events, offer options not tea and coffee. Make lunch easy to eat!
For me, the best the thing about zoning was @London_Geekfest where you had traffic light clips you could add to your lanyards to indicate whether you want to interact or not and change over time. @JoWood04#CILIPconf18
Last #CILIPConf18 session! I have nearly made it. Sue Lacey-Bryant, Health Education England on AI our digital future.
85% of 16-75 year olds have a smartphone. More for 18-24 year olds. It is a digital future. Linklaters using chatbots to cover directional enquiries, freeing up time for the professionals.
Topol review - preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver the digital future - independent report for secretary of state for health care.
#CILIPConf18: learning and information literacy - chaired by Rosie Jones, director of Library Services, Open University. With Sarah Lacey, consultant and trainer, Ruth Carlyle, Health Education England, & Jacqueline Geekie, Aberdeenshire libraries.
SP: there have been huge tsunamis of change in school education - changes to curriculum on literacy, numeracy, IT, KS3 English. Move away from independent learning.
SP: libraries were not mentioned in previous curriculum. Now there are 2 proper mentions, but they relate to English depts at KS3 reading for pleasure, not anywhere else.
Last keynote of #CILIPConf18 - Guy Daines' Grexit. Retiring CILIP head of policy.
As a "policy wonk", conferences and reports are meat and drink. But most reports are never seen again.
Follett report - 1990 - HE institution libs unable to cope with growing numbers. Over 100 new building projects were funded. Special funding for technology and cross-institutional projects.
#CILIPConf18 professional registration cafe. Not just for librarians! All info pros. Showing you have a reliable skill set, a shortcut to having to justify it to future employers.
But also get more awareness of where you sit in the profession, share best practice, learn from others areas and people, become a better reflective professional.
What you did. What went well, what didn't, what you would do differently next time. Reflection is a key part of improving.