6/ 1st year assigned to Missouri
Pickett sucked at artillery, admin, and even worse at command
but a general heard Pickett grew up on horses as a kid on his Virginia Farm
but put him in charge of 20-30x Calvary
7/ Union Generals in 1846-59 would give Pickett impossible tasks, and he's disappear.
Pickett used darkness, creativity, and the flexibility of horses.
Patton studied Pickett carefully RE: Battle of the Bulge.
Be fast.
Be flexible.
Have Three Plans.
13/ Pickett’s Charge one the greatest mistakes ever,
YUGE wide open field in Gettysburg, YUGE, sloping upwards for maybe 2-3 miles
I’ve been there and walked it.
I’m in good shape, you get tired.
It’s beautiful.
Perfect Killing field.
👇 gdg.org/research/Other…
14/ Lee backs off, secured the middle….worked sides, he Wins.
Lee waits, and just holds the exact same spot, he wins.
Lee moves 2 miles to either sids, he wins.
Lee holds middle, sends Calvary to the sides, he wins.
15/ For 3 years, Lee/Pickett had used dexterity, deception, and speed versus the Union Army successfully….but in Gettysburg, they “forgot who they were” and tried to do Brute Force to win.
15/ Since 1964 Immigration Act + 1970's Allinksy tactics
Democrats used dexterity, deception, and speed to win every battle until....
2010 and the Tea Party.
But really they lost the war one day after the 2008 election ended
19/ Ocasio district #NY14 is 70% Minority, Joe Crowley is literally an “old white man” – He lost by 8 points.
America is 70% White, 20% Hispanic, 10% Black
As soon as you get 30 miles outside BLUE land,
people learned how to spell "Venezuela" again
👇 freebeacon.com/politics/perez…
20/ Americans know the Democrats plan because he democrats have been screeching it 24/7 for 20 years now:
“Ha ha , you stupid Whitey, we are going to replaced you with Brown Illegal Mexicans and vote you out of power.
21/ Back to Gettysburg
So Lee/Pickett….both geniuses in their own fields…
ran up their calvary and Infantry across a open field…upfield… Multiple Times
Lost 15k soldiers.
Lost the Battle.
Lost the War.
👇 battlefields.org/learn/maps/get…
22/ Lee/Pickett was kicking Union’s ass.
They were so damn confident of winning….that the idea of losing was impossible.
So they saw this beautiful hill, the sunlight, 20-30k loyal troops…
and said, “Let’s do this.”
And it cost them everything.
23/ Lee/Pickett had "muh" respect for Union's Grant/Gibson.
They admitted kept expecting Union army charge DOWN the hill,
but Gibson will smart enough to know his troops were behind stone walls, uphill for 2 miles, and getting 3 square meals a deal.
24/ Lee/Pickett kept expecting the Union Army to charge down the hill,
TBH, they weren’t 100% wrong. Grant/Gibson admitted later they didn’t know what to do either …..but they KNEW what NOT to do…they 100% weren’t going running down THAT hill.
27/ Irony, after Obama won in 2008
had he hired good people, tacked to the middle, Built a wall, acted like the “moderate” he was….democrats keep winning
GOP would have been finished
But he didn’t.
But that’s part 2.
Let’s finish up Lee/Pickett
28/ Lee/Pickett didn’t charge up that hill once.
That’s a common mistake people make.
They pushed their 20-30k troops up that hill 5-8x times over 2-3x days.
They “knew” they could take that hill.
They “knew” it.
And Lost 15k men.
And Lost a war.
38/ Fall 2014, for the first time, I didn’t even vote for democrats.
Didn’t vote for GOP, either.
I was done with politics. Thanks.
I liked the peace/quiet of Sept 2014-June 2015
39/ Admit it.
When Trump came down that escalator in June 2015, you laughed.
I laughed.
Everybody laughed.
But have you Re-Listen to that 1st speech.
You should sometime.
👇 time.com/3923128/donald…
40/ There is a Meme, “saxon began to hate.”
For the 1st time since….forever… something stirred inside me….
like an infection of the blood.
But it went away,
You heard that speech, too, right?
Trump offended everybody with the truth.
He was so done.
👇 time.com/3923128/donald…
41/ After escalator speech in June 2015
and the media killing him….
Trump went up to 15% in the polls almost immediately,
was almost 25% within a month
I was as shocked as anyone
I mean.....I'd known Trump for 40 years
but as President ?
C'mon, man.
44/ Ocasio as Obama 2.0
Kamala Harris as Obama 2.0
Not gonna work because we learned from Obama.
Ruthless memes are just beginning.
We don't want Ocasio silenced....we want her on 24/7, pushing Socialism.
If Single-Payer costs Democrats 1000x seats,
what will Socialism do?
45/ The irony is that democrats went so far/long calling
anything that moved on GOP “Muh racist” w/Obama
Nobody cares anymore, Ocasio is a socialist, Kamala Harris is a socialist
DNGAF about their skin
They want 100% of my money and me dead
They can all go pound sand.
46/ TBH, I admire the Democrats.
They are presenting what THEY REALLY BELIEVE.
In 2008, Democrats hid their socialism.
In 2018, Democrats DNC’s Tom Perez announces it loudly.
47/ Ocasio is physically 10/10 hot, can we all just admit that?
Ocasio is 100% a legit DNGAF Socialis, can we all just admit that?
Democrats see her as their poster child…to sell their ideas.
Ocasio is Obama 2.0 in 2018.
We want her on TV 24/7
48/ Hubris is “knowing” you are right, and having no checks/balances to stop you.
Like Pickett/Lee in 1863.
Like Obama in 2008.
Like Ocasio/democrats are doing in 2018 w/ Socialism.
There’s nobody saying, ‘Hey, whoa, whoa….let's not do this.”
49/ Democrats lost 2016 because 8.5 million Deplorables
from the Rust Belt, Bible Belt, said F*ck that.
Democrats lost 2016 because they went so far to the left….
they lost the middle –class.
Democrats/Indy who voted for Obama in 2008/12
went for Trump in 2016
50/ I don’t think democrats going “Full Socialism” for real,
I think they are shocked that a 28-year old (Ocasio)
took out the #4 guy in the DNC (Crowley)
With 15-20x primaries left in 2018, about survival,
Then say, “After further consideration…” and tack back to the middle
51/ Frankenstein (Socialism) always return to the Castle (Democrats)
These Socialists are exactly like MAGA
These Socialists believe 100% sure what they believe in.
Democrats establishment tend to lie a lot….these socialists don’t lie.
52/ These new Socialists in the DNC 100% believe in what they say
Oddly, I admire that.
So do the democrat Higher Commanders decided to switch tunes fast to
“100% socialism” mostly out of self-protection.
53/ MAGA infecting GOP
MAGA/Trump know exactly what they want
and already have kicked out 40x GOPe swamp monsters
Tea Party got kicked out because the media and consultants killed them
MAGA is led by guys like Cernovich, Schlichter, Posobiec….
54/ Tea Party got corrupted from the inside with money, media attacks, and consultants
MAGA is like the Joker from the Dark Knight
Listen carefully to Alfred's description on the Joker and a man from his own past
55/ Tea Party got corrupted from the inside with money, media attacks, and consultants
MAGA is like the Joker from the Dark Knight
Listen carefully to the famous interview between Batman (GOPe) and Joker (MAGA)
Joker never lies here.
56/ GOP is trying to “limit the damage”….but Trump (and his ideas) are 90% popular within the GOP … and do just fine with Independents, Blacks, and Hispanics
90% might even be low, considering how biased pollsters are nowadays
57/ Socialists don’t need the money.
In #NY14, Ocasio had 300k versus Crowley’s 2mil…kicked his ass by 7 points.
Socialists 100% believe in what they say.
They post their positions online DNGAF.
Democrats have an infection of their own.
They can’t kill it with money or media
58/ Democrat LITERALLY built this Socialism Frakenstein
Democrats LITERALLY controlled all the colleges for 40 years….
and taught them socialism.
Democrats are yugely ironic
Killed the Tea Party (Bruce Wayne as kid)
….and created MAGA (Batman)
59/ Socialism is a YUGE threat to the democrats in two ways
#1- Socialists may slowly start to vote establishment democrats out of office
#2- Drive Normie and Blue-Dogs and Whites out of the party
and into MAGA/GOP’s loving embrace
60/ Checks/Balances:
Remember after #parkland trump hinted that maybe some #GunControl might work?
Do you remember how the GOP, NRA, Churchies, Social Media erupted?
Urban legend is Pence had a “little talk” w/Trump, and that crap stopped.
61/ Checks/Balances:
Notice Anytime “Muh Amnesty” get mentioned, MAGA Nation explodes
Trump was so CAREFUL to explain his 1.8 mil/12yrs DACA….
and his Base was sorta ok with it barely
Ryan's Amnesty Bill send the base into madness, anger, and rage.
63/ Ocasio winning was fair/square….kicked Crowley ass.
Crowley should have demanded 3x 3hr long debates with her
Crush her into salt.
Socialism can’t withstand sunlight.
Crowley ran away and hid and died.
But did you know Ocasio isn’t the ONLY socialist.
There are 12x.
64/ MAGA's policies
if you ask Trump voter for details
Dear God, they'll talk all damn day on Chain Migration, NAFTA Sunset Clauses,
and Merit Immigration
Ask a Socialist why it's good...and ask for details or historical examples
man, Sunlight and Socialism....so DO NOT Mix
65/ below is Green is Ocasio's For-Real Socialist Policies
It's in black/white
Notice I NEVER snark at her for being authentic....
she believes this 100%
Socialists believe 100% what they are saying
But, man, if you ask for details and explanations....things go bad fast
66/ have liberal buddy ask why I voted for Trump at a BBQ
"You wanna list?"
Pen/paper- got to #21 Paris Climate Accords - explaining 2/3 details on each, we stopped
him: "How many more?"
me: "Policy? All day."
He's now MAGA...over #GunControl
67/ So fine....Democrats are going full socialism for 2018/20...
let's be Voter Nerds:
Where are Democrats going to find the voters for Socialism?
For socialism to work in USA….you need actual voters for it.
We are all in agreement on that, right?
68/ Where are Democrats going to find the voters for Socialism?
1-Black Voters ---
Maybe not. Trump got 8% with Blacks in 2016
Trump been polling 10-25%, w/ Blacks for the past 6-10 months….
That’s a small problem
68/ Where are Democrats going to find the voters for Socialism?
1-Black Voters ---
Now...this is where it gets weird
Bernie Sanders is a legit hard-core socialist,
but he only ever gets 3-4% Black Votes in his career ....nobody has ever explained why
69/ Where are Democrats going to find the voters for Socialism?
1-Black Voters ---
Black participation went down sharply from 2008-2012-2016
and if Trump starts winning over blacks
because Democrats are openly picking illegal Mexicans over Blacks ?
70/ Where are Democrats going to find the voters for Socialism?
2-Hispanic Voters----
Trump got 29% in 2016
Trump been polling 30-55% with Hispanics For the past 6-10 months
74/ Where are Democrats going to find the voters for Socialism?
7- 2.5 million Romney-to-Hillary Voters from 2016
30-50 age middle-class suburban moms/dads .are about to give all away all their wealth to Ocasio/DNC and Mexican illegals
And If 2.5mil "return home" to the GOP ?
75/ Where are Democrats going to find the voters for Socialism?
Johnson voters (3.7 million)…..?
Those are hippie Libertarians….not socialists.
Choice beween RWers who wil leave them alone…
and socialists who will literally take everything from them….
guess where they go?
76/ Where are Democrats going to find the voters for Socialism?
10-Team Eggy (700k)
those are just #NeverTrump RW guys will never vote socialist,
and after Eggy fooled them….they will come home to GOP/MAGA/Trump
77/ Where are Democrats going to find the voters for Socialism?
2018 Mid-Terms are in exactly 4 months….nov 6th, 2018
That’s 120 days.
Will democrats LITERALLY screech “Yess Queen More Socialism,” maybe?
Gonna be fun.
Will Ocasio-2018 end up like Pickett-1863 and Obama-2010...we'll see..
3/ "Fact is, the desire for more Democratic votes through mass immigration and free healthcare for foreign nationals have made blacks (12.7 percent of the nation’s population) less significant to Democrats’ electoral fortunes."
1- Are Socialists 2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed. 3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
1/ .
Newsday --- September 21th, 2018 --- Fri
Nov 6th, 2018
46 Days Until Mid-Terms
Daily Reminder That Democrats...
1- Are Socialists 2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed. 3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
2/ .
Newsday --- September 21th, 2018 --- Fri
Nov 6th, 2018
46 Days Until Mid-Terms
I am adopting "The Wictor Block" Rule:
Be smart/playful/sincere....Feels Good Man
You come at me too hard and aggressively....looking for a response:
I will Block and Move On.