First of all, as a practical matter, banning all weapons that have a similar range to the AR would mean banning almost all hunting weapons too (if “effective range” is the metric you’re using for banning people)...
2nd, Heller (and 2A jurisprudence generally), reads the 2A not merely as a right of self defense against your neighbor, but as a bulwark against the state. I.e. merely saying something isn’t “self defense” the way Hogg did doesn’t address the core constitutional concerns at play.
Finally, as a practical matter, (other than Vegas) no one is committing mass shootings from 400 meters
You're an absolute disgrace. Putting your face on anything to do with "school safety" is a slap in the face to my classmates and 17 families that are still mourning.
The STOP School Violence Act was passed in the Omnibus back in March. It’s now law. Schools have already applied for grant money and those will be awarded by DOJ at the end of the fiscal year.…
The funding is available for programs that address the exact shortcomings in these recent school shootings— safety infrastructure, training for teachers and administrators, working with law enforcement. What could be a more direct solution to these shootings than that?
This is the biggest investment in school safety in history. A billion dollars over ten years for evidence-based programs that work. Education leaders across the country believe this is a large part of the answer.
Tragedy is the unfortunate reason I was given a platform. I will never forget my mission which is to make sure schools are secured.
It's my honor to endorse @rpetty and @MendelsonBCPS6 for School Board. We need to #FixIt and they're a large part of the solution. This isn't about party. This is about safety.
I know my endorsement doesn't mean much, but if I can get even 1 more vote, I'll be forever humbled.
I will do anything I can to make sure we flip the Broward School Board. With 2 weeks left until school, it's every student at Douglas' job to join in this mission to secure our schools.
No, they aren't accurate. The numbers are from something called the Gun Violence Archive. These guys largely rely on newspaper accounts to record these events. I am sure that the first row includes suicides. Defensive Gun Uses are from newspapers, but even then they use a...
...different higher "verified" standard that they don't use for their other counts. About 95% of DGUs don't involve a gun being fired. They aren't newsworthy. About 90% of news stories on DGUs involve a death, almost all the rest are for injuries. But we know that in real life...
...injuries exceed deaths by about 7 or 8 to 1. The reason for deaths being covered in media is b/c deaths are more newsworthy. The media usually only gives initial coverage to an event, and that is often well before we know all the facts about what happened. The Gun Violence...
It's a real shame. I invited @SenBillNelson to address the dozens of MSD students attending #HSLS2018, but his office won't even return the multiple emails I sent. I hope it's a mistake - if it is, please feel free to DM me.
While I understand politicians are busy, almost everyone's office has answered the email I sent their scheduler's and declined politely. Why not Nelson?
Other D invited @amyklobuchar is trying to make it work. See the difference between the two. It's stark.