THREAD : On #IndependanceDay, a story of how the future is past…and how the after the US broke free in 1776, the British empire struck back and helped create the Deep State.
If you want to under foreign policy and populism TODAY, pay attention.
WARNING: The thread will be loaded with links and in some cases, you may go down an information rabbit hole that will be the equivalent of a bottle of Red Pills.
It's ALL information you can confirm if true for yourself, which may lead to serious adjustment in world view.
Before we get to the history, let's introduce a term: Atlanticism.
Atlanticism is defined as "belief in or support for a close relationship between western Europe and the US, or particularly for NATO."
The main organization driving this Atlanticism is @AtlanticCouncil.
As I'll show up, this idea of Atlanticism was cooked up by British elites in the media, banking, politics and business beginning in the late 1800s.
It was behind World War I, the mess in the Middle East and turning the US-the land of the free-into a colonizing swamp.
It will be like fireworks.
That's how the lights will be going off in your head once you understand how all of this history explains events like the growth of the CIA & FBI, why the fake news about Russia is coming from all sides, and more.
What changed America?
What took us from the country that fought for its freedom into the country that we see today? Atlanticism.
It's why we did nothing when Vietnam wanted its freedom and we ignored this letter from Ho Chi Minh in this 1946 telegram.
Atlanticism is a key to understanding the world today.
The Atlantic Council is one of the centers of world elitism, along with connected groups like @CFR_org and related groups in the "Round Table" UK groups and the infamous (and quite real) Bilderberg group.
And Atlantic Council is about to be monitoring your news
They have teamed with @facebook to decide what you should see during the election.
The @AtlanticCouncil's Digital Forensics Lab not only works directly with and promotes DNC Operative Alexandra Chalupa and @thedailybeast Editor / @CNN analyst Michael Weiss, a @POTUS hater who promotes Syrian war and lies about Ukraine.
One purpose of the Atlantic Council is to set the frame of the media narrative, declaring anything that does not fit from the left or right to be a conspiracy theory, propaganda or fake news.
They’ve used projects like Interpreter Magazine to do this.
Even in the Civil War, England backed the Confederates.
In fact, although due to public opinion the UK eventually said they were neutral, in fact they helped build the Confederate Navy at their shipyard in Liverpool.
Remember: England was helping fight the US in the mid-late 1800, 100 years after 1776.
Rhodes's vision was discussed and implanted by people like the father of modern tabloid and investigative journalism, W.T. Stead, who died on the Titanic.
Another imperialist dreamer like Rhodes, Stead also wrote about the Occult.
Remember that in the early 20th Century-in 1917, to -UK's Balfour Declaration was made to the Baron Rotchschild for the land that would eventually form Israel.
Another important figure connected to this group with Lord Milner and his group of Oxford students that became known as Milner's Kindergarten.
Let's have a short Brett Kimberlin Film Festival, Shall We? (THREAD)
This directly connects to @POTUS and the #RealRussiagate because Kimberlin worked directly with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa to try and keep @POTUS from taking office.
Here's the story that outlines the Chalupa / Kimberlin connection in the 2016 election....
Dear @Potus - meet @TelizhenkoAndr, a brave whistleblower who refused to go along with election collusion by the @dnc and the government of Ukraine when told to give “dirt” on you to Clinton operative @AlexandraChalup.
You must hear this man’a story to end the Witch Hunt.
This well-reported story came to in @POLITCO in January, 2017 and detailed the #UkraineDNC collusion.
It shows that the Democrats were trying to frame and smear Donald Trump via Paul Manafort, BEFORE the supposed "Russian hack"or Trump Tower meeting.
After following the story for over a year, I interviewed @TelizhenkoAndr, the loyal Ukrainian, former member of the government, diplomat & whistleblower .
I talked to him this past Tuesday and have released some of what he told me, @POTUS.
I'm going to show you the FACTS on the UK think tank that is the center of a LOT of anti-@realDonaldTrump activity including connections to the Steele dossier & @Billbrowder.
Time to make you smarter about the Henry Jackson Society.
This shows how the left / right paradigm doesn't reveal about the anti-@POTUS movement,
Let's start with this Guardian article from 2005, when the Henry Jackson society first opened its doors in London.
I'm going to point out that it's NeoCon think tank and one of the lead never-trumpets, Bill Kristol is a patron and so is James Woolsey, ex-CIA and one of the people on board of Genie Energy that I've discussed before.