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Jul 13, 2018 135 tweets 31 min read Read on X
HISTORY -- With Nzekwe Gerald Uchenna


Please, let me state here that the essence of this Lecture Thread, is not Promote Secret Cults Or Cultism.Neither is it meant to Criticize Or condemn any Fraternity.
Rather, the aim is to look at Our Traditional Religion Worships, before the Advent of Christianity and Islam.
And how with both Christianity and Islam, Various Secret Fraternity has thrived ,while more are still cropping up daily.
And nowadays, its even difficult to distinguish between some of this Societies from Churches. While their leaders bear Prophets,His Holiness, Pastor, Your Lordship etc

With So many Joining them because of the Wealth they promise their members.

If you guys are ready, let's go.

Before the Advent of European Christian Missionaries in Africa,We Africans had our own traditional religions,beliefs and practices.
Our practices were set of highly diverse beliefs that include various forms of Diabolic,.
Voodoo practices.
And these traditions includes belief in supreme creators, belief in spirits,veneration of the dead, use of magic and traditional medicine.

This practice is also common in the Northern Part of Nigeria, before it was Islamized (They were worship idols too).
Followers of Traditional African religions pray to various spirits gods, as well as to their ancestors.
These spirits serve as intermediaries between humans and their god.
Most Africans believe in a single Supreme Creator God such as :
Chukwu abiama,
Sango etc.
Some recognize a dual god and goddess such as Mawu-Lisa, Mami-Wata, Papi-Water etc

And most times, they enter into Generational Covenant with these gods.

Before the advent of Christianity and Islam, Africans (Nigerians), has their own Indigenous Local Religions , later referred to as Pagan Voodoo worships, by European Missionaries.
The earliest manifestation of Christianity in modern Nigeria can be traced to the European Missionaries and Educated African Slaves, Mainly the Liberated Slaves and their descendants (e.g Bishop Ajayi Crowther), who settled in Lagos and other coastal towns.
These men and women had imbibed Christianity and Western Culture which they consider indispensable to the "Civilization" of their Country. Indeed, they supported the British Colonisation of Nigeria as a means to hastening this process.
But not all members of this group supported wholesale Westernization of Africa. Thus, a number of them Objected to the erosion of our Africa customs and traditions which was accompanying Christianization. For this reason, the Christian Missionaries became their objects of attack.
The Missionaries had condemned many African customs and traditions as "Heathenish" and, since the Indigenous religion which they sought to displace permeated very many facets of African life, the Missionaries started condemning virtually all African Customs and traditions.
African Converts were made to adopt European names which were considered the outward sign of the inward conversion from "PAGANISM" to "CHRISTIANITY".

But ironically, The European Missionaries refused to deal with our Educated Africans on equal terms.
Mind you, this educated Africans had Adopted European Culture in expectation of acceptance by the Europeans only to be ridiculed as a "Hybrid" who had lost all the virtues of the "Uncontaminated natives" but was at the same time incapable of comprehending European Civilization.
Contempt for the "Hybrid" made the Europeans segregated the Churches,Hospitals, Cemeteries ect, and discriminated against them in so many ways.

This Action by the European Missionaries, then made the Educated Africans to fall back to our African Cultures,Traditions and Deities.
Thus, from 1890s, the pride of the Educated Africans regarding African Traditions and Culture intensified.
One of the first steps they took was repudiation of their European names.

An Important aspect of this nationalism was the formation of "African Church" between 1888 -1914.
The first of such Churches was the Native Baptist Church which was founded in April 1888 by D.B. Vincent.

In 1894, Thus, David B. Vincent, the leader of the Native Baptist Church, changed his name to Nikola.Agbebi. he also insisted in wearing Agbada even in Europe and America.
The Educated Africans then attempt to find an Indigenous Masonic Lodge so as to Counter the European lodges in which Africans suffered discrimination.
Hence, they embraced Indigenous Freemasonry, that is, "SECRET SOCIETIES

(That was how secret society was born)".
After failing in the late 1890s to found a Christian Ogboni Fraternity,they Joined the Indigenous Ogboni Fraternity and by 1904,One of them, Isaac Coker, had become the Oluwo (President) of the traditional Ogboni Fraternity in Itesi-Abeokuta 1914 by Rev.Jacobson (T.A.J) Ogunbiyi.
Originally called the "Christian OGboni Society" , it became the Reformed Ogboni Fraternity in 1934 and consequently Spread all Over Nigeria.

Afterwards, Other Secret Societies started coming up.

Now, let take a look at some Secret Societies. Starting with 'OGBONI SOCIETY'

Ogboni (also known as Osugbo in Ijèbú) is a fraternal institution indigenous to the Yoruba language-speaking polities of Nigeria,Republic of Bénin and Togo,as well as among the Edo people.

A similar group in Igbo-speaking areas is called Nze na Ozo.
The society performs a range of political and religious functions, including exercising a profound influence on monarchs and serving as high courts of jurisprudence in offenses.

Its members are generally considered to constitute the nobility of Yoruba People..

Each Ogboni lodge is led by a group of six principal officers that are known as the Iwarefa (The Six Wise Men).
These individuals are the most powerful figures in the polity that the lodge serves and are the inner council of advisors to its king or royal chieftain.
In the early days, they served to be the link between gods and humans. They worshipped the goddess of Earth as she gave them the real power of unity. Ogboni used to be the highest court in Yorubaland. No person was punished without their judgment or consent.
They were so powerful, that they had the ability to choose or remove kings.

When it comes to different rituals performed by Ogboni, scientists still can’t get clear answers on that!
There is not enough information about the Ogboni fraternity symbols,rituals & initiation process.
It’s even a secret whether only men are allowed to become a part of Ogboni big family! Ogboni Lodges also were a part of this secrecy as people who tried to show off and open their secret locations were doomed to be expelled

Though versions of this fraternal group are found among the various types of Yoruba states – from highly centralized kingdoms and empires like Oyo, to the independent towns and villages of the Ègbá and the Èkiti – the Ogboni are recognizable for their veneration of ..
the personified earth (Ilè or Oduduwa) and their emphasis on both gerontocratic authority and benevolent service to the community. While membership in the Ogboni generally signified a high level of power and prestige, the society held pre-eminent political authority among ....
decentralized groups like the Ègbá, where they were intimately involved in the selection of rulers that served as little other than figureheads in practice. In contemporary Yorubaland, Ogboni members still command great power and influence in the affairs of their societies,..
although this is largely due to the history of their respective chieftaincies and not to any official authority.

Ogboni lodges were one of the main commissioners of brass jewelry and sculpture in pre-colonial Yorubaland, using the metal's rust-resistant qualities as ..
an apt metaphor for the immortal functions and beliefs of Ogboni adepts. The most recognizable of these symbols was a pair of Ogboni initiates, one male and one female, attached by a chain and worn around the neck.
The pair are thought to symbolize the attachment of the sexes in procreation and balanced society. Generally, one or both figures will hold a thumb in the grip of the opposite hand, demonstrating the paramount Ogboni handsign denoting initiation and membership.

A number of fraternities in Nigeria have incorporated references and insignia from the original Ogboni, including the Reformed Ogboni Fraternity, the Indigenous Ogboni, and various others. Many of these contemporary societies combine elements of Ogboni’s historical ...
functions with superficially similar institutions like Freemasonry and the Rotary Club.

Similar traditional institutions combining political, judicial, and sacred duties exist among the various ethnic nationalities of southern Nigeria,..
including Nze na Ozo in Igbo-speaking southeast Nigeria and Ekpe/Ngbe/Ugbe in the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon. Initiatory secret societies are a common feature of pre-colonial government across much of West and Central Africa.
the highest position is still to be occupied by the elder and most powerful man.

Ogboni secret society existed through the ages, but their power is still to be relevant today with the newest technologies of influence. They seem to have their parts in politics all around Africa.
Who knows? Maybe they are the people who decide the fate of the whole Africa continent and people who live there!
Ogboni initiation :

There is no enough information about the process of Ogbon initiation.
What is really known is that you can’t become a member of this society just because you want to.
There are certain steps where you should follow to take the interest of this organization.
Do not forget that you are not the one who chooses Ogboni – they choose you.

How can you make this society to choose you and go through the initiation process? Well, first of all, you have to be Yoruba. The second thing is that you should be a very successful Yoruba.
The information of initiation process may vary. The only thing you may need to know is that you have to get rid of something that is the most valuable to you. That’s why it may include human sacrifice. Still, it’s only a rumour that has no real prof.
Ogboni human sacrifice :

Human sacrifice has been practiced in various religions throughout the world. There is only some controversial information about Ogboni human sacrifices.
You might have heard news Or information like “Young Man Kill For Refusal To Join Cult Group,”...
"My Son Was Killed By Cult Group” ..."Someone became rich over night after joining Ogboni Society"...etc

Although,There is no strong evidence that this Cult is killing people.
But,What is known for today is the idea that this cult might be accustomed to human sacrifices.
Ogboni rituals :

There is not enough information about the precise nature of Ogboni rituals. First of all, the organization hides its secrets very efficient. What is known is that their rituals include some sort of physical transformation and can be very mysterious.
2). . OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU (Brotherhood of the Cross and Star)

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is a religious cult/ organization that a lot of people know nothing about.
So, many tend to see them as Secret Society.
Origin :

It started in 1956. It was founded in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. Their motto is Love, Faith, and Hope.

Once it started, it stood out because of the mode of dressing. Based on 1 Peter 3:3, 1 Timothy 2:9–10, Exodus 32:2–4 members dress in white.
Youth assembly  (ooo-bcs)

They also apply no makeup, or jewelry including rings, chains, and wristwatch. Members are also not allowed to wear shoes especially inside the place of worship which is called Bethel.

Members are not permitted to drink anything apart from water.
Leadership :

The group is led by Olumba Olumba Obu, the founder. He was Olumba Olumba Obu  (ooo-bcs)

For years, he was the leader of the group. He eventually stepped down in 1999.
His son named Rowland, who is also called Olumba Olumba Obu took over in 2000. Reportedly, he is also known as “King of Kings” and “Lord of Lords.”
Beliefs :

Unlike mainstream Christianity, this organization believes that Olumba Olumba Obu is the Holy Spirit.
However, Obu has said, “I am not Jesus Christ or God.”

The group takes love towards other men, reincarnation, vegetarianism, and veganism seriously.
They also believe in God and Jesus whose achievements are believed to be inferior to Obu’s role, which is to complete the work left unfinished by Jesus.

Medicine is a big no-no as the BCS website writes that “BCS do not believe in medicine of any form”
The concept of Olumba Olumba is much broader than that of most religions, as it encompasses not only human beings, but also all members of the animal kingdom. It seeks to put into practice the idea of Reverence for Life that is to be found in some of the great faiths of the East.
Members are not allowed to smoke or drink.

Controversy :

The organization has faced a lot of scandals. Over the years, there have been claims for miracles, violence within the Brotherhood and speculation that the founder may have died in December 2003.
Branches :

The group has gone beyond Cross River state.

Members can also be found in most Parts of Africa and even the United States and Europe..

Eckankar (meaning Co-worker with God), called "the Path of Spiritual Freedom",is a religious movement founded by Paul Twitchell in 1965.
It is a non-profit religious group with members aver the world.
The spiritual home is the Temple of Eck in Chanhassen,Minnesota.
ECKists celebrate a spiritual new year on October 22. There is no organizational celebration of personal anniversaries, such as birthdays of the leaders.

Eckankar is not affiliated with any other religious group.
Followers believe their purpose is to find their way back to God through personal spiritual experiences.
The movement teaches spiritual exercises, such as singing "Hu", called "a love song to God", Experience the Light and Sound of God & recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Although Paul Twitchell founded Eckankar in 1965, Eckists believe that the basis for the Eckankar teachings dates back beyond the beginning of human existence.

Eckankar's headquarters were originally in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Under the leadership of Darwin Gross, the organization was moved to Menlo Park, California in 1975. In 1986, Harold Klemp moved the base of operations to Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The leader of Eckankar is known as 'the Living ECK Master'. Some leaders, Twitchell and Klemp, for example, also hold the title "Mahanta" which refers to the inner aspect of the teacher. The leader functions as both an inner and outer guide for each member's spiritual progress.
Twitchell (spiritual name: Peddar Zaskq) was the movement's spiritual leader until his death in late 1971. Gross (spiritual name: Dap Ren) succeeded him until October 22, 1981, when Klemp (spiritual name: Wah Z, pronounced Wah Zee) became the spiritual leader.

One of the basic tenets is that Soul (the true self) may be experienced separate from the physical body and in full consciousness travel freely in other planes of reality. Eckankar emphasizes personal spiritual experiences as the most natural way back to God.
These are attained via Soul Travel shifting the awareness from the body to the inner planes of existence.

Certain mantras or chants are used to facilitate spiritual growth.
One important spiritual exercise of Eckankar is the singing or chanting of Hu,and is viewed in Eckankar as a "love song to God".
It is pronounced like the English word "hue" (or "hyoo") in a long,drawn-out breath and is sung for about half an hour.They sing it alone or in groups.
ECKists believe that singing Hu draws one closer in state of consciousness to the Divine Being and that it can expand awareness, help one experience divine love, heal broken hearts, offer solace in times of grief, and bring peace and calm.
ECKists believe this practice allows the student to step back from the overwhelming input of the physical senses, emotions and regain Soul's spiritually higher viewpoint.

Dreams are regarded as important teaching tools, and members often keep dream journals to facilitate study.
According to followers of Eckankar, dream travel often serves as the gateway to Soul Travel or the shifting of one's consciousness to ever-higher states of being.
Eckankar teaches that "spiritual liberation" in one's lifetime is available to all and that it is possible to achieve Self-Realization (the realization of oneself as Soul) and God-Realization (the realization of oneself as a spark of God) in one's lifetime.
The membership card for Eckankar states: "The aim and purpose of Eckankar has always been to take Soul by Its own path back to Its divine source."
Worship :

The final spiritual goal of all ECKists is to become conscious "Co-workers" with God.

Eckankar emphasizes personal spiritual experiences as the most natural way back to God. These are attained via the Spiritual Exercises of ECK.

Primary to the teaching is the belief that one may experience the perspective of soul beyond the limits of the body. Also, the concepts of karma and reincarnation help to explain situations in life as the playing out of past causes.
Ceremonies and rites :

There are few personal requirements to be an ECKist; however, certain spiritual practices are recommended. Chief among these is daily practice of the "Spiritual Exercises of ECK" for 15–20 minutes.

The phrases "Rose-Cross" and "Rosicrucian" are in the public domain: a number of organizations describe themselves as such.

A Rosicrucian Master's Cross, from the AMORC Rosicrucian Library in San Jose
body of secret knowledge to become open, i.e. revealed, to the world, in the form of the Rosicrucian manifesto'THEs. Famous seventeenth century Rosicrucian Michael Maier described the origins of Rosicrucianism as "Egyptian, Brahmanic,..
derived from the Mysteries of Eleusis and Samothrace, the Magi of Persia, the Pythagoreans, and the Arabs."[1] Several of his other works also allude to the mysterious origins of the Rosicrucians.
Today, AMORC is regarded as representing an "open cycle" of the ancient Rosicrucian tradition, its existence being a "reactivation" of Rosicrucian teaching in the United States, with previous Rosicrucian colonies in the United States having become dormant.
AMORC presents itself as a worldwide philosophical and humanistic,Non sectarian and apolitical fraternal order devoted to "the study of the elusive mysteries of life and the universe.
It is also open to men and women of adult age regardless of their various religious persuasions.
Name :

The name AMORC is an abbreviation for the Latin title Antiquus Mysticusque Ordo Rosæ Crucis ("Ancient and Mystic Order of the Rosy Cross" – "Antiquus Arcanus Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis").
Harvey Spencer Lewis, author and mystic who re-activated AMORC in the United States of America, wrote that "from the very start, and with the issuance of the first public manifesto, the correct name of the international Rosicrucian organization was used, namely, the Ancient and..
Mystical Order Rosae Crucis.
An abbreviation from the original Latin name, Antiquus Arcanus Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis,and the initials AMORC were used as well as the true and original symbol of the Rosicrucian Order –the golden cross with red rose in the center".
AMORC holds legal rights to the above-mentioned titles including the title "Rosicrucian Order".


AMORC teaching cover what may be termed the "Sacred Sciences" and include ideas based on major philosophers, particularly Pythagoras, Thales,Solon,Heraclitus, Democritus.
The teachings are divided into "Degrees" which are further grouped into broad categories under titles such as Postulant, Neophyte, and Initiate sections. These degrees cover various fields related to physical, mental, psychic, and spiritual existence such as physics, metaphysics,
biology, psychology, parapsychology, comparative religion, traditional healing techniques, extrasensory perception, material and spiritual alchemy, meditation, sacred architecture,Symbolism,and that mystical state of consciousness relating to experience of unity with the Divine.
On a local level, members of AMORC often form smaller affiliated groups organized as Lodges, Chapters, Pronaoi, or Atrium Groups. These various titles differ according to the number of members of each body in regular attendance.
Participation in these groups is optional, and participants retain compulsory membership with their respective Grand Lodge. Many of these groups charge additional dues to participants to cover expenses such as rent, utility and maintenance costs.
Most affiliated bodies of the AMORC offer Open Meetings or Lectures to which the general public is invited and welcome.

Each AMORC Grand Lodge has its own headquarters and facilities. In North America, the Grand Lodge is located at 1342 Naglee Ave.
The headquarters of the English Grand Lodge for the Americas owns the Rosicrucian Park in San Jose, California, founded in 1927, which includes the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, the fifth planetarium built in the USA (and the first to have a US-built star projector,...
built by Dr. Harvey Spencer Lewis), the Rosicrucian Peace Garden, Rosicrucian Research Library, Grand Temple, Administration Building, Fountain Plaza and Gardens, the Alchemy Garden and the walking Labyrinth.
History :

According to AMORC's internal history in 1909 Harvey Spencer Lewis visited France in search of Rosicrucians, was initiated in Toulouse, France, and given the mandate to establish an order in North America.
After further qualification and preparation the first official Manifesto was issued in the United States in 1915, announcing the establishment of Rosicrucian activity in America.
May Banks-Stacy, the co-founder of AMORC,was said to be one of the last successors to the original...
colony of Rosicrucians that settled in America during the late 17th century, and an initiate of the Rosicrucians of the East.Lewis became a "secret partner" of Big Business in America. According to railroad magnate Arthur Stillwell, no other man has exerted a greater influence ..
as a secret partner in American free enterprise than Lewis. Walt Disney was once a member of AMORC as was Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, Jack Palance's daughter Holly Palance and many other well known individuals who prefer to remain anonymous.
During World War II AMORC underwent a dramatic period of growth. After the war ended AMORC was able to lend support to its European sister organizations. Eventually many of these then came under the administration of AMORC's leadership in San Jose.
AMORC uses traditional history, consisting of tales and legends represented as having been passed down for centuries by word of mouth as well as the conventional chronological history, which consists of verifiable fact.
According to traditional history,AMORC traces its origin to Mystery Schools established in Egypt during the joint reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III and Hatshepsut, about 1500 BCE. They united the priesthoods of Egypt into a single order under the leadership of Hatshepsut's Vizier,..
 Each Temple had its associated Per Ankh (House of Life) where the Mysteries were handed down.
 In uniting priesthoods, the Per Ankhu were also united. These schools were formed to probe into "the mysteries of life" — in other words, natural phenomena,
and initiatic spirituality.
AMORC also claims that among their most esteemed pupils were Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) and his wife Nefertiti.

Over centuries these Mystery Schools spread into Greece and then Rome.During the Middle Ages they were concealed under various names.
AMORC claims that Rosicrucianism is mentioned as far back as 1115 CE in a book of the collection of Brother Omnis Moriar in Germany. However, no other record of such a brother and book has appeared.
The alleged name probably derives from the opening words of Horace in Ode 3.30 in which he writes: "Non Omnis Moriar" ("I shall not completely die").

This secret cult is very strong in the Igbo culture. It is only open to certain influential Igbo men.Members of Okonko are king makers, law enforcers and elders.
Initiation lasts for seven days.The importance of palm leaves in Igbo land is stressed on by this group.
The Okonko was an ancient society which served as a traditional system of government before the advent of the white man. The Okonko enforced the verdicts of the Amala (village assembly). In the past, if the Okonko music was played near the house of anybody,..
But then, only men of proven character and without any shameful past were accepted into the Okonko society. When we people talk of a better government today, we laugh because any thief can be in government because he has the money.
Okonko Masqueraders :

Whenever there was a stalemate it any Okonko decision, theOkonko society would consult other recognized Okonkosocieties in other areas for mediation. Non-members of theOkonko society were known as “Okpo” and they were forbidden to go near or ...
greet Okonko members when they were in the full session. To be recognized as a full member of the Okonko society, one must go through the Ida iyiceremony which is as follows:
The rite is performed at midnight, when the atmosphere is charged. The man that is to be initiated is surrounded by the old members and a palm frond (omu) is placed between his lips to enforce silence. The members taunt and harass him.
The priests now reveal about seven secrets to him, which he is not to reveal to any person. I shall not tell you these secrets either, since you an “Okpo.”
Okonko from Ibeku :

The new member is paraded round the village, after which he comes back to the Okonko base. Later they move towards the stream or river. As they near it, the new member is exposed to the Ida iyi ceremony thereafter,...
the new initiated remains for about 14 days in hiding before he comes out. Non-members are warned not to come near the roads leading to all the streams or rivers in the area. Marketplaces are blocked with palm leaves. Before the Ida iyi ceremony,..
the novice is expected to offer a goat, seven eggs, four bottles of homemade gin, a white cock, ten large yams and one alligator pepper. These things, including a he-goat and a caly pot, are to be presented on the following Orie market day.
The chief priest prepares yam in a hot pepper soup (mmiri oku ji) which every Okonko member partakes.
During this Ida iyi ceremony, women are not supposed to see the members of the society. The traditional belief is that any woman who sees a member of the society will surely die,
unless she brings a ram and alligator pepper -this is to facilitate her reincarnation-and stays one month in hiding.The Okonko Society is highly respected,and during the Ida iyi ceremony which lasts for 7 days, members from far and wide dressed in different Okonko attires attend.
Even compared with the white man’s rule then, Okonko as an instrument of government has no rival. The most important objective of every government is to enjoy the loyalty of the governed, and this the Okonko enjoyedv before the white man brought his own government.
Okonko has three stages of initiation which are as follows: Akang, Mboko and Ekpe. Once you go through the three initiations, you become an Ezumezu. Once you become an Ezumezu, at this stage, one is very competant to discuss the affiars of this great ancient society.

Ekpe is a Nigerian male masquerade cult, whose members are typically politicians and law enforcers. They are well-respected agents of wealth distribution in the community. The highest rank of the Ekpe cult has a lot of privileges.
Attaining the height is not as expensive as the benefits when attained. They get to own and control tremendous economic assets like land and palm trees in the community. Being a member of the Ekpe group is a self-enriching quest, ..
to some foreign countries in other continents – originally from Cross River and Akwa Ibom areas; ceremonial festivals in some Igbo speaking part of Nigeria; and migrated to Cameroun, Cuba and Brazil.They do not admit just about anyone but reputable and outstanding personalities.
There are also :

7). Abakua

This is the Cuban rendition of the Ekpe cult of Cross River and the Leopard society of the Liberians. It is believed to have been transported to Cuba by Africans in the diaspora. Like every other fraternity, they swear an oath of loyalty.
The powerful members of Abakua are believed to enjoy a consecrated and mystical kinship; in other words, the society is more of a spiritual than physical brotherhood. Secrecy is the trending trait of this group, perhaps it is a major factor that makes them revered.
From the mysterious chants of the Abakua festivals to the rites performed on several occasions, all is done with a lot of secret codes that are only known to the members of the group. The Abakua dramatic dance pattern has strongly influenced the Hispanic dance styles.

Destonians as popularly called,are group of people who have pledged their lives to the sole purpose/good of Desteni society.
Although they claim to oppose leadership,they are ironically and constantly undergoing leadership Education under Desteni Leadership Forum.
They have a habit of contradicting their purpose of self-discovery, equality and oneness; and exhibits a yet unclear apocalyptic tendency – shaved hair, drinking hydrogen peroxide, preaching the forgiveness of Adolf Hitler and the eradication of humans.
Desteni is a modern E-cult as members are only seen recruiting and conducting their businesses on the internet and never at public locations.Mind control will not be far from a clique of people who have vowed to live and die to the business & sole good of the Desteni businesses.
The Desteni mode of operation is apparently drawn from the New Age ideology and has also been criticized and accused of possible economic fraud and taking advantage of its members. The Desteni Society, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, was founded by late Bernard Poolman.

The first Freemasonry lodge in Nigeria was in 1806.
The 2nd, Grand Lodge of Nigeria was opened in 2012.
The Free Mason is perhaps the most famous Secret society in the world and probably the most powerful with influential and wealthy members in positions of power

Osirica is a fraternity of the adorers of Osiris, the Egyptian god of life, after-life and the underworld. As such, the members of the brotherhood are enthusiasts and believers of immortality. Osirica brotherhood is the root of all mason societies,..
dating back to 2300 B.C, the flourishing pottery era in Egypt. Archaeological proofs have suggested that they existed long before the Pyramids. Amenhotep I was the emperor, who began to restructure the architecture in Egyptian temples and was deified after his death.
The construction of the Valley of the kings is attributed to his reign. Egyptians have a great appreciation of architecture, they had the conviction that the typical architectural masonry is metaphorical in modelling and remoulding of a people.
The Osirica cult deducts its ideology from Osiris and their deified god, Amenhotep.

This a fraternal society that emerged in the western culture, between the 16th and 17th century with about six million members. The Internationally known Freemasonry can be said to have drawn its structure and purpose from the Egyptian mysticism.
Freemasons were originally an ancient Egyptian fraternity of builders, with Imhotep, as their founder and chief sculptor. Imhotep was a revered personality as he was believed to be with superpowers of healing and influencing people and the affairs of the community.
The first legendary pyramid in Egypt is attributed to his arts and crafts. In present-day terms, he would have been called a scientist and an engineer.

His powers, however, transcended architecture into metaphysics and the moralistic education of the people.
The modern mason lodges contain symbols from his inventions and designs; symbols which meanings are taught only to the initiated members of the society. The Freemasonry’s affiliation to the Imhotep is clearly evident and this is probably ...
why they are accused of several conspiracy theories since their objective is geared towards the restructuring and controlling of global affairs. The Masonic order has spread throughout the world, Africa not excluded. They secretly have affiliates in Liberia and ...
other African countries; there are sub-unrecognized groups too. They swear allegiance to the group – an oath of secrecy and mutual brotherly support – and their membership structure is also in stages.
There are other Societies but, I will have to stop here.

Many thanks for reading through.
I hope you learnt a thing Or two.

The next thing we will discuss will be the Origin of Campus Confraternity.
And later, Cannibalism.

See you guys during those lecture.
Sources : NGU Library Collection, Pulse New, Nairaland, Nigeria People's and Culture, Wikipedia, George Ibenegbu, Inemesit Udodiong,
Lazarus A. Emenogu, D. L. K. Nnachy

#Nzekwe Gerald Uchenna (NGU)

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Sep 27, 2018

According to a 19th century legend, the Truth and the Lie meet one day.
The Lie says to the Truth: "It's a marvellous day today"!
The Truth looks up to the skies and sighs, for the day was really beautiful.
They spend a lot of time together, ultimately arriving beside a well.

Again, The Lie tells the Truth: "The water is very nice, let's take a bath together!"!
The Truth, once again suspicious, tests the water and discovers that it indeed is very nice.
They undress and start bathing.
Suddenly, the Lie comes out of the water, puts on the clothes of the Truth and runs away.

The furious Truth comes out of the well and runs everywhere to find the Lie and to get her clothes back.
Read 38 tweets
Aug 25, 2018
HISTORY -- With Nzekwe Gerald Uchenna


During the 19th century of the Transatlantic slave trade, Yoruba territory was known as the Slave Coast.
Uncounted numbers of Yoruba men, women and children were sold by their Tribesmen,and were shipped bounded in Chains at the Neck, Leg & Hands,to Portugal, Britain, Americas etc
The demand for African slaves during the slave trade was fuelled by the availability of a supply chain which involved African rulers, tradesmen/women who made fortunes out of selling their own people.
Unfortunately, so many Yoruba Elites got Wealthy through this Nefarious Trade.
Read 148 tweets
Aug 18, 2018
HISTORY -- With Nzekwe Gerald Uchenna



Traditionally, the Igbo people lived like a federated groups of villages with the head of the ranking village presiding...
Over general assemblies attended by all the males. Each Igbo Family is represented by the eldest Son in the family referred to an Okpara.
During the heyday of the slave trade in the eighteenth century, the major igbo villages grew into cities of 10,000 to 20,000 inhabitants.

The Igbo traditional religion is known Odinani. The supreme deity is called Chukwu ("great spirit"); Chukwu created the world and everything in it and is associated with all things on Earth.
Read 84 tweets
Aug 16, 2018
HISTORY -- With Nzekwe Gerald Uchenna


Gory Stories about the Inhuman Treatment meted on African Slaves by the White Masters,during and After the Atlantic Slave Trade, can never be exhausted.

I want to Share two with us...
1. OTA BENGA (Exhibited as a Money)

On 20 March,1916, a 32year-old African man named Ota Benga shot himself in the heart while being held against his will in the United States.
Ota Benga’s short,Sad life was shaped by colonial avarice justified by the quack science of eugenics.
Through it all, he did what he could to keep his dignity intact despite being subjected to the most degrading treatment imaginable. His story, like far too many tragedies, begins in the Congo, then known as the Congo Free State.
Read 104 tweets
Jul 29, 2018
HISTORY -- With Nzekwe Gerald Uchenna



> Life of Great Power Mike

> Power Uti : Beef with Power Mike, Drug Use, Arrested for Wife's death

> Two Current Top Nigerian Wrestlers.

Wrestling is a traditional sport embraced in every town and village, modern wrestling is relatively New in the Country.

The history of wrestling became popular in Nigeria as a competitive Olympic around 1980's after the establishment of ...
the wrestling federation .

Some Pioneer Wrestlers such as Michael Okpala (Power Mike), Late. Michael Bamidele, Maman Zaria, Ben LionHeart, John Eke Uti (aka Power Uti) among others made the country recognized in the world wrestling through their ceaseless efforts and abilities.
Read 124 tweets
Jul 20, 2018
HISTORY -- With NZEKWE Gerald Uchenna


In 1923, nine of the wealthiest people in the world met at Chicago's Edge Water Beach Hotel.
Their combined wealth, it is estimated, exceeded the wealth of the Government of the United States at that time.
These men certainly knew how to make a living and accumulate wealth.
Attending the meeting were the following men:

1. The president of the largest steel company.
2. The president of the largest utility company,

3. The president of the largest gas company,

4. The president of the New York Stock Exchange,

5. The president of the Bank of International Settlements.

6. The Greatest wheat speculator.
Read 20 tweets

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