Why do no records exist proving Trump owns Mar-A-Lago? Have YOU seen any deeds? Me either. Is Mar-A-Lago a protectorate of Kenya? If not, why have I never read that it isn’t? We need answers, and waffles, and more answers.
More and more people are asking me to run. Thank you!! But Now isn’t the time for Office, now is the time for #TrumpKenyaAnswers
So weird that people so passionate about the standard of presumption of innocence, who require tangible evidence before they can begin to believe anything, anything at all, should support a president with no interest in evidence or presumption of innocence, so weird, so weird.
So weird to show such passion about presumption of innocence, yet presume guilt about every unarmed black citizen shot dead by police.
So weird, so weird, so weird.
It seems like hypocrisy, this selective passion for presumption of innocence, for tangible evidence before making any discernment at all.
But it's entirely consistent, you realize, once you know the underlying assumptions of our nation's foundational lies.
A whole lot of people who have gotten by their whole lives on other people putting up with bullshit had better get really fucking used to nobody putting up with bullshit anymore.
If you are a public official and you work for the abuse of people or you're willing to look the other way to make your own life easier you'd better get ready to not be able to go out in public anymore.
Most of us are fucking done with it.
"Is anywhere off limits?" Well, if you attack and abuse women, if you work to kick Muslims and brown people out of the country, if you steal from the public to line your pockets, if you put babies in cages, the Supreme Court isn't off limits. The White House isn't off limits.
I'd like to speak the obvious necessary things about the Republican Party, the most central of which is that this is not an organization that is participating in democracy.
Rather, they are cynically utilizing our democracy's vulnerabilities.
The last two Republican Presidents to enter the White House did so without the popular vote.
The last Republican President to enter the White House with the popular vote did so in 1989.
Yet, when they win, they behave as though they have the mandate that comes with a landslide.
Hi, guys. Imagine if one day you got kicked in the nuts, really hard, on purpose.
You doubled over. Felt the pain. Nearly passed out. Nearly puked.
Then you got kicked again. And again.
Imagine it happened to you when you were 12.
Imagine it was an 38 year old woman who did it.
Imagine it was your mother’s friend and business partner.
Imagine you told your parents and they didn’t believe you.
Imagine they never mentioned it again.
You learned to keep quiet about it.
You learned to be scared.
I have bad news for people who feel entitled to civility and respect while providing absolutely none to those most in need of both.
I have bad news for those resentful of the scorn they’ve earned through their lack of regard for their fellow human beings, whose response was to show even less regard.
I am going to have no time at all for those who say the problem of our age is divisiveness, or outrage, or anger.
Anyone pushing that line is trying to separate people from an appropriate response to the real problem, which is deliberate harm abuse.