1) I think I've figured out the dates the FISA documents were signed. All 4 of them.
The #FISAabuse comes down to these 2 pages. The redacted dates really bothered me so I started to do some digging. Follow along, and blow holes in my thinking.
2) Side note, a redacted "Supervisory Special Agent" signed off on the #SteeleDossier, representing to the court that it has been verified for accuracy. Very annoying redactions.
Anyway, I started with Oct 1, which it can't be because 90 days takes it to Dec. Same for Oct 2.
3) 2nd authorization was in January. Redacting the date is a sign, I suspect there is an open source connection that can be drawn by knowing the dates and they want it keep private.
4) I started to check news. Yates was fired Jan 30, so it can't be that day. Meaning it can't be Apr 30, then I realized most of Apr takes us into July, and the 4th re-autorization was signed in June.
2) The cabal knows that FISA declassification is about to drop, and Q team seems to imply they were aware of what the Dimms were planning regarding Kavanaugh. Certainly seems so, as I found the specificity of the questions regarding a polygraph by Mitchell curious.
3) A best guess of "[CDE[F]?"
Note the "?" instead of an ] (end bracket) indicating there is more/are more people involved. I would guess Shiela Jackson Lee, Maggie Hassan and Barbara Boxer.
1) I expressed this suspicion about CPL Avenatti being a C_A sleeper the other day, and while it does not directly address him, this Q post from overnight confirms my thoughts in the overall thread:
2) ...the leap means accepting my suspicion that they have thousands of people in society lying in wait, tasked to be prepared for a coordinated effort, whatever it is, and you follow orders.
3) A postal carrier. A DMV clerk. A travel agent (lol, The Americans), or a flight attendant, a pilot, LAWYERS, probably lots of them, DOCTORS (Bush father doctor death), and you name it. The key is thousands.