1/1 Tweet thread from @NECSI's (New England Complex Systems Institute) annual conference, #ICCS2018.
@stephen_wolfram remembers the founding of modern complexity science in the 80s when his physics toolkit wasn't able to explain certain fluid dynamics.
1/2 @stephen_wolfram luckily had been coding, which had the mindset: create a certain set of primitives and then propagate them to learn about the world.
This same mindset could be used with complex systems: take primitives then propagate them and see what happens.
1/3 @stephen_wolfram started exploring certain propagation systems. He found some of them "seemed random" and could not be simplified. Systems like digits of pi and primes numbers.
Instead of searching for pattern, see that the MAIN meta-pattern is randomness.
1/4 @stephen_wolfram Found that certain things were computationally *irreducible*, which means that you couldn't just "do math" to predict how a system would propagate.
This meant that complexity modeling was not JUST convenient. It was was *necessary* as well.
You can take this idea of "searching the computation space for tools" and apply it to "finding helpful programs". So, instead of "engineering" a program defining it step-by-step, you just "search the computational space" for a helpful program.
These are all examples of a *massive* shift in "how science is done". For 400 years, there was a dominance of mathematical equations. But in the last ~20, we're now moving towards *programs* (rather than math) as science's "how".
@Wolfram_Alpha is looking to be a universal computation layer for computers. A crucial piece to this is "computational contracts" (which are like smart contracts, but not trustless).
@Wolfram_Alpha being a universal computation layer means: 1. We need to express contracts in code. (More exacting than English and Legalese.) 2. We need to connect to reality. Oracles do this. Wolfram Alpha is the best Oracle (right now).
Wanting to express human ideas in code is a crucial piece to AI alignment. We'll need to express the "constitutions for AIs" in a language they (AIs) can understand.
There's a feedback loop between the world and the *language* we use to abstract it.
e.g. There were no tables. There was no language for them. Then there were table-like things. Then we abstracted that into the word "table". Then we built more.
2. It's not special. Some awesome AI simulation box is not that different than a rock. Both of them have lots of computation happening. Main difference is simply that we've connected the box to human purpose and history.
2/1 @cesifoti from @medialab's @collectivemit gives an overview of current updates to Economic Complexity (how info/value flow in networks). Quite a good talk, imo. Some interesting results:
1. More complex industries (as measured by patents) are located in larger cities. e.g. Computer patents have a superlinear exponent (1.57) w.r.t. population, while piping patents have essentially a linear exponent (1.1) w.r.t. population.
This is the strange thing about the internet. It allows *information* to flow freely, but not *knowledge*. That still exists in geo-network hubs (like SF).
I'd expect Cesar's work to eventually overlap with blockchain-based value flows. (It essentially adds another layer/dimension of data for him to correlate on.) Lots of learning to be had there!
"I was lucky to be unaware of the decision science literature."
With fat tail distributions, you can't look at the average:
- "Never cross a river that is *on average* 4 feet deep"
- "If you have a blind horse, you want it to be slow"
So, although 100k+ Americans die every year from cigarettes, alcohol, and obesity, we should *still* be worried about Ebola because it propagates virally (tail risk).
Though some folks claim: "Hey, you're not a biologist! You can't talk about this." Nope. Anything that has tail risk turns into a problem for statisticians.
If fat tail --> statistician.
If short tail (gaussian) --> specialist (biologist).
The exponentially decreasing cost of genome sequencing over time:
1990-2014: $3B (with some decrease near the end)
2015: $6000 paid BY the patent (@VeritasGenetics)
2018: $500 paid TO the patent with blockchain (@NebulaGenomics)
4/4 Audience question about the societal/environmental impact of his new virus eliminator:
@geochurch's answer: We took a risk when we eradicated small pox. We have almost eradicated polio. With this, we could eliminate all at once. We should be very cautious.
1/ #Fomo3d is a variant on a well-studied game theory problem called "entrapment".
This is just the start of "Game Theory As A Dark Art."
Here's what we can learn from it 👇
2/ A popular entrapment game is an "all-pay auction" (where each bid costs money). This is similar to FOMO3D where you need to pay each time you "take" the private key.
Max Bazerman (a professor at Harvard) has run all-pay auctions for $20 bills with his class. Results 👇
3/ It's logical to pay $1 for $20.
Then to pay $19 for $20.
But it even makes sense to pay $21 for $20, because then you only lose $1 (21-20) instead of losing the amount of your previous bid (and not winning the $20).
(1/12) Here's a tweetstorm version of my book outline!
If you'd like to read or give feedback on the full outline, see the final tweet for my Medium post. (Thanks!)
You should read this book if you're interested in our current macro technosocietal context. I explore this in three parts:
Part I: Frameworks for Understanding (How to understand?)
Part II: Understanding Itself (What is happening?)
Part III: Actions (How to move forward?)
Part I explores:
- Meta-Frameworks. A framework *for* frameworks is necessary in times of complexity. (@Meaningness)
- Goals. If we’re trying to make a better world, then the question becomes “For who on what timescale?” (@Joi@Effect_Altruism)
- Specific Systems Frameworks.