It's been clear–even before the inauguration–that Trump has a questionable past, and when he took office, he almost immediately showed an aversion to protocol and decorum.
He hasn't released his tax returns, while arguably the most financially complex person to be seated as president. Almost daily, he acts to erode the pillars of democracy, with policies that eschew common knowledge, thinly-veiled racist policies–petty ad-hominems have become par.
He's failed to fully staff the government. He's risked our place in the world by alienating our allies, praising dictators and enemies, and manufacturing crises, simply so that he can have the appearance of a "solution."
He, and his cronies have lied repeatedly about their actions leading up to, during, and following the election. Is no one asking why? He has repeatedly refused to acknowledge the work of career law enforcement officials, and has at times worked to undermine such agencies.
Recently, in Helsinki, Trump capitulated to an adversary that has attacked us in the past, and continues a daily drumbeat assault on our values, our institutions, and our democracy. We learned today that Russia can control many of our utility services across the country.
We need to ask ourselves why we allow such brazen anti-american behavior to continue to broadcast directly from the White House. What advantage has this administration created for conservative policy?
Even today, Trump is diverting billions in aid to farmers hurt by his own ill-advised trade war. These billions are on loan from the same countries with which he has initiated such a war.
Those of you with the power to act must rise up and take your station. This is not the time for complacency, this is not the time for capitulation. Now is the time for ACTION, and, with the past as a guide, history won't be kind to those who chose to sit idly.
We hear often how you're "disappointed" or "wish to clarify" but at what point will you say THIS ENDS NOW?
Although Trump himself stated on national television that the reason he fired @Comey was because he said to himself, "This #trumpRussia thing is a hoax" I think we can clearly agree at this point that this is NOT a hoax, this is an all-hands come-to-jesus moment in our history.
Hawaii made it real. Now people need a plan. I don't claim to be a survival expert, this is just a start that I hope smarter people will add to.
Make a plan: who, what, where, when 1) Who: Family? Friends? Make the plan WITH them, so that nobody wastes time contacting others–everybody just knows the plan. Every able-bodied/mobile adult should commit to scooping one member of the plan who isn't.
2) What: know what you will need. Every member of the plan should prepare a bugout bag. That bag should have ONE purpose: working the plan. It can NOT be your day BAG, but keep it at hand-always–maybe the trunk?