The “Forward Blocks” proposal is very dangerous to the ethos of bitcoin and it should be resisted.
The bitcoin network protocol’s internal and external *immutability* is above all the most valuable single thing in existence to humanity. Full stop. If you disagree, you don’t yet realize the disruption “blockchain” will bring, soon.
The “Forward Blocks” proposal claims to make it possible to execute a consensus change with a soft fork rather than a hard fork. This is an attack on bitcoin’s immutability.
Going to "FinTech Forward 2018"? Here is how to prep for the @CFTC's inaugural conference, to have better conversations while there by understanding what is going on in crypto today.
1/ What are you interested in? Some good topics are: RegTech, digital payments, neo-"gold standard", cryptography, smart-contract virtual machines...
2/ For "RegTech" (technology that enhances regulatory processes) and regular-"Reg": You could, for instance, read up on the new @GeminiDotCom Gemini-Dollar and learn about the 3 layers to their ERC20 smart-contract, designed to help with compliance.