An article about what is Functional Programming (FP), and how does it differ from Object Oriented Programming (OOP) ?
Note that both these paradigms are used in R, and interact with each others.
Here’s the definition of what FP is :
- Programming == creating function
- Functions returns values computed from arguments (and only these)
- A function has no side effect
Why do we use arrow `<-` instead of equal `=` for assignment in #RStats :
It’s an historical choice: R comes from S, which used <- for assignment. S uses `<-` partly because it is inspired by APL, which had the ← operator for assignment, as it was developed for this keyboard, which has a key for arrow :…
Not that at that time, with APL, the arrow was chosen because it distinguished from the equal operator (there were no `==` for testing equality).
See :…