Might as well be...
something like this.
All we're missing are the monkey bars, and sand box.
As an adult, I'm completely amazed this is actually taking place. @realDonaldTrump
This woman is a neurotic mess.
...being treated like a child by her handlers and questioner.
Kavanaugh will be treated like an adult. Complete sham.
1. Byrd, wasn't just member of the KKK. Klan leader holding titles of Kleagle & Exalted Cyclops. He claimed to have left the KKK in '43, but later wrote letter to the group's Grand Wizard, "The Klan is needed today more as never before and I am anxious to its rebirth here in WV.
2. As recently as 2005, in his memoir, Byrd describes the KKK as a fraternal assembly of, quote, "upstanding people," end quote. He was the only Senator to vote against both African-American Supreme Court nominees Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.
3. Personally filibustered the
landmark Civil Rights Act of '64.
Opposed President Truman's
initiative to integrate the Armed Forces. "I'll never fight with a negro by my side. Rather, I should die 1000 times than to see this beloved land become degraded by race mongrels"