2) It seemed apropos that for post #1776, #Qanon posted a picture of the President's pen, a quote from a great American patriot and the number 1776 written by President Trump.
28) NBC reporter Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) has developed a fascination with #Qanon.
I retweeted Ben last night.
29) Evidently, the feedback from the tweet hurt his feelings.
He blocked me.
This is the message I see when I go to his timeline. #Qanon
30) Ben, I do hope we can be friends again. #Qanon
31) #Qanon supporters at the #TampaRally forced the hand of the MSM. No longer able to ignore Q, the [4am] narrative went out to paint the movement as a pizzagate-wackadoodle-alt-right-tinfoil-hat-conspiracy.
Twitter lifted the ban on Q to help the MSM with their narrative.
48) To the MSM:
If anyone is an authority on the deep state, it's former FBI Director James Comey.
He has confirmed that the deep state exists.
(The more you deny its existence, the more foolish you look.) #Qanon dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5…
49) More attacks on #Qanon from the [4am] memo to the mockingbird media.
50) The New York Times is worried about the meteoric rise in popularity of #Qanon noting that qanon.pub receives about 7 million visits a month. nytimes.com/2018/08/01/us/…
53) We've been waiting for someone to ask a direct question to the President about #Qanon. It would settle the debate about whether Q is working with Trump.
56) #Qanon asked why Fox News isn't participating in the coordinated bashing of the movement.
Because Fox (at least some reporters) support POTUS
57) An anon asked for an estimated number of people reached by #Qanon to date.
58) An anon asked if the phrase "common sense" in post #1776 was a message to Tom Steyer, who is spending a lot of money trying to impeach President Trump.
59) #Qanon answered the first anon: 300-350 million people are aware of Q.
52-58 million are following the movement.
Q confirmed "common sense" was a warning to Steyer but asked how they knew an article about Steyer would be published that afternoon?
63) How did the #Qanon team know an article about Steyer would be published?
Because No Such Agency has it all.
64) An anon got excited because someone asked the @PressSec about #Qanon
65) Unfortunately, they asked the wrong person.
(Less than 10 people have first-hand knowledge of #Qanon)
66) #Qanon posted a crumb from November 2017 where he explained that less than 10 people had inside information about Q and most of them are in the military.
The purpose?
To prevent leaks and give the Q team a strategic advantage
Game theory [moves and countermoves]
67) An anon alerted #Qanon to the fact that he was being discussed on Fox
117) I've watched the board a long time. The anons are some of the most skeptical people in the world. They smell BS a mile away. If #Qanon convinced them to research his crumbs, it's because he's repeatedly proved he's legit
119) Now that the #Qanon movement has gone mainstream, opponents will focus on every negative thing any Q supporter has ever said.
They won't examine what Q posted
They'll examine what people said about things Q posted.
They're looking at us.
We are the face of the movement
120) The MSM is in a fight to the death.
If #Qanon convinces people to think for themselves and do their own research, [they] lose control of the public narrative.
What do they fear most of all?
Loss of control.
People waking up.
Sheep no more.
2) Is it a coincidence that Democratic politicians are trying to impeach President Trump over alleged bad behavior with Ukraine when their own corrupt dealings with Ukraine are been exposed?
3) Q posted a link to a Wikileaks email between Hillary Clinton's campaign team discussing how to remove from the minds of the public the idea that she engaged in quid pro quo as Secretary of State (SoS).
Did you know that Ukraine was the biggest Clinton Foundation donor?
2) Q suggested Christine Ford may have been trained/programmed by the C_IA as a sleeper who could be activated at a strategic time and accuse a chosen target of sexual assault.
2) Heading toward the midterm elections, Q has often used the term Red October.
Lots of possible decodes (multiple meanings exist) but I believe presently, it simply refers to the red wave that is coming to DC.
3) Q posted links to a couple of tweets to give us a quick history lesson.