@EFF@munin This is relevant to the current #MyHealthRecord debate. Accountability has to be built-in AND enforced. You cannot rely on people to do right, you have to verify to ensure trust and reliability. #auspol
@EFF@munin This kind of ‘failure’ is a designed-in feature. We’ve known about this kind of ‘flaw’ for decades. This is what happens when privacy and security are not taken seriously. #auspol#MyHealthRecord
@EFF@munin Convenience leads quickly to complacency. Complacency subverts systems accountability, transparency, and other mechanisms intended to protect the system and the people in and around it. #auspol#MyHealthRecord
@EFF@munin Subversion of systems does not have to be deliberate, nor malicious, nor incompetent, to produce counterproductive results.
See Scott Snook’s 2000 ‘Friendly Fire’ (Princeton) re ‘practical drift’. #MyHealthRecord#auspol
@EFF@munin Complex systems involve complex interactions. These have to be designed-in very carefully to minimise unforeseen results and to provide means to identify and address them as early as possible. #auspol#MyHealthRecord
@EFF@munin We have had complex computer-mediated systems for half a century now. This is not a new thing. We’ve know about this stuff since way before computers were in things.
@EFF@munin We have building codes and safety inspections for buildings because we know small changes have knock-on effects that have to be carefully considered before ‘just doing it’. And because we know we have to verify to ensure trust: convenience and greed can undermine any project.
@EFF@munin The IT ‘industry’ resists enforceable building codes every way that it can. Which is doing super good things for everyone.