I expected other audiences to do something about the discrimination/exclusion happening right infront of them. Instead of taking action against the exclusion/discrimination happening right in front of them, they co-signed what was happening by remaining silent & doing nothing.
Was I too hopeful to expect people to do the right thing?
Was I too expectant that people would do the right thing?
Was what I wanted for Toronto & what everyone ‘said’ they wanted for Toronto in conflict?
We claim we want #inclusion, but when they opportunity arises people fail.
It was my expectation that the viewing audience, who most of the time happen to be a majority of white people, would not allow democracy to be disrupted the way that they did.
The public display of the disruption of democracy was lost on the media- instead, the co-signers leading with headlines of “disrupter, debate crasher, etc...”
What should have been obvious was overlooked by narrative authors & co-signers of the status quo. #TOpoli#ElectionTO
Exposure of the fallacy/the pretense of so called social justice ‘Activists/Advocates’ who so widely espouse calls for equity, democracy, ending racism & discrimination, etc...etc... the same so called progressive people who, through their inaction, continue mediocrity & the...
...the same so called progressive people who, through their inaction, continue mediocrity & maintain the status quo was on full display at those debates.
Remember what the Honourable Reverend Martin Luther King said about the white moderate?
Everyone watching ‘debates’ where I was excluded saw that John Tory did not say/do anything to ensure #inclusion. Mr. Tory did nothing to ensure #democracy.
He even told former Global News Reporter Peter Kim that white privilege doesn’t exist- yet people still gave him their vote
Instead of choosing what we want and what Toronto needs, we did what we always do. The election resulted in another rich white guy in a suit with no ideas, plans, or proactive solutions who, IMO, was able to buy the 2014 Toronto Municipal Election.
The media controlled the narrative & some voting members of the Public went willingly along with the white saviour complex. When are we going to accept the fact that we’re in the situation we’re in because we fail to be inclusive minded?
A lot of folks keep choosing status quo
Community provides insightful solutions all.the.time. but they’re never implemented. Isn’t it time to lead with fresh perspectives?!
How can ethnocultural insights be utilized to implement best practices without lived & engaged perspectives leading the Decision making?
There’s a special rule for Candidates elected as Mayor- the Mayor gets special privileges to move on the plans they publicly campaign on. My #CommunityWellness, #inclusion plans & solutions have been & are front & centre.
It’s about time we have leadership that we’ve literally never seen or experienced before with imaginative, insightful and innovative plans to empower, inspire, engage, build and liven up Toronto to be what Toronto should be- a vibrant, inclusive, accessible, world class city that
..... a City that is the epitome of #equity wherein its Residents and visitors feel like we all have the ability to live & thrive!
The important point to keep in mind regarding section 33 of the Charter of Rights & Freedoms is why it was included. Think about what was going on at the time and why the Charter was even created.
Sect. 33 is a white supremacy tool that was included to make white men feel safe.
Now that this fact has been said, let’s get to the heart of addressing the attempt to abuse power in order to maintain white supremacy.
It’s 2018, time to rule section 33 unconstitutional when used to subvert Canadians’ inalienable rights to a free & democratic society.
Some people learn from them and some people don’t.
During the time when then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and other white male elected Representatives were working on ensuring that underrepresented and marginalized Communities were protected
I’m writing to you as your TORONTO Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.
Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?
Have you turned away from your public chants of “end racism, stop racists, etc...” during this Election period and are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that you say you’re against?
I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of the status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.
Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?
Have you turned away from the public calls for “inclusion, end racism, stop racists, etc...” during this Election period & are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that we’re all against?
I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of the status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.
Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?
Have you shaken hands & made agreements against the interests of BIPoC, specifically Black Candidates for your own gain and/or to maintain the status quo?
Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?
Have you turned away from your public chants of “end discrimination islamophobia racism, stop racists, etc...” during this Election period & are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that you’re against?
Dear people who identify as having #disabilities fam,
I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.
Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?
Have you turned away from your public chants of “#accessibilityNOW, #inclusion, #equity, #universalDesign, etc...” during this Election period & are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results you’re against?
I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.
Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?
Have you turned away from your public chants of “end homophobia, end transphobia, end discrimination, etc...” during this Election period and are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that you say you’re against?