I find it incredible that there's sick and disabled people being driven to suicide by Govt (ideological) policies and their refusal to care about their effects which are rising #homelessness , #mentalillness#NHScrisis#lowwageeconomy rising numbers of children in #poverty
and yet while all these things and many more affect many thousands of people across the UK the news media of this country fail to inform and hold the policy makers to account, instead turning politics into some sort of irrelevant soap opera rather than the thing that affects
every single facet of everyone's lives. TBH most of those identifying themselves as journalists are literally that in name only as they do nothing more than cheer-lead for the worst Govt in my lifetime (and I lived thru Thatchers tenure)
meanwhile the rise of fascist ideals
goes unremarked and seemingly actively given a bully pulpit by the media.
Those that refuse to learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.