While #SaveRoe is trending, I'd like to tell you the story of my grandmother. She is 92, grew up in East LA, raised two daughters on her own, worked in a factory for over 40 years, is Mexican and Catholic. She is staunchly pro-choice. When I was a teenager, I asked her why
"Because I've seen the alternative," she told me. I learned that her mother was one of the people women in the neighborhood would turn to out of desperation. My grandmother would assist. "That needs to happen in a clinic, without fear of being arrested, w the right equipment"
"I will never forget what it looks and feels like when an abortion goes badly and there are no alternatives. I'm good with God on this one," she said. So yeah, #SaveRoe
p.s. Someone just suggested that abortion rates would go down if made illegal. Just, no. Here's some history for you:
I wonder what it must be like to work on the thing you are most passionate about with no race, class, or gender-based friction. I wonder how many times we've thrown away a cure, an answer, an innovation because that friction became impossible to overcome
I know I state the obvious, but there are some days when I close my eyes and try to imagine these companies and governments and film studios and art galleries and labs populated by the actual *best*
I believe, in the deepest recesses of my mind, and with all of my heart, that the world would be a more creative, colorful and peaceful place. I believe children wouldn't be in any kind of cage, be it the juvenile hall in my hometown or on the border
When I was in college, I took a great Poli Sci course taught by a guy that most wrote off as a leftist kook. His fundamental assertion was that capitalism and democracy are fundamentally opposed to one another and one would "win" while the other would be decimated
Where he really got folks in a frenzy was by demonstrating that the winner would not be democracy
He had already been teaching this class for a long time by the time I took it, which was 27 years ago. He was so infamous at the school that just taking his class made people look at you sideways
Been appreciating @prisonculture ‘s riffs on “civility” today. Got me thinking about “civil disobedience”
The majority approves of the civil disobedience in theory because the minority disobeys, but *at least it’s civil*
That’s obviously not what it means, but the love that white liberals have for the women’s march suddenly turns murky when some in their community are (gasp) shouted out of a restaurant
When tech investors assert that code is “unbiased,” and that only the “best and brightest” are building it, and you have not diversified, you have NO ONE asking “What’s the worst thing this could be used for?”
I have been told my entire life that my fear of racism is imagined and irrational. It is not. I grew up as one of the only brown kids in a white, working class neighborhood. I know exactly what I’m talking about
In the past few years, I've been in the position to lead inside companies while major events, all with racism at their core, have unfolded in the news
From the unrelenting videos of police violence against our Black neighbors, to the presence of actual Nazis in our midst, to the Muslim travel ban, to the images of Latinx children in detention camps, leading "business as usual" is not an option
The reality inside most companies is that the people in the lead are not the ones most deeply affected. I cannot explain the feeling of walking into an office in the midst of these events and being asked with a smile "How was your weekend?"