1. New #qanon post. There is an all out deep state and msm attack against Rep Nunes right now. They are trying to take him out. Q shows us the msm strategy and the clowns in America sent the 4 am memo about attacking Nunes. #wwg1wga
2. Notice how even traditional conservative news orgs like national review are piling on Nunes...he has really put himself out there for his President and his country. We need to pray for representatives like Nunes and some of the other freedom Caucasus members. #qanon#wwg1wga
3. #qanon cites to the definition of “eradicate”. Either referring to what needs to happen to deep state and msm in that they need to be rooted out of what deep state trying to do to POTUS and patriots. B52 precision guided bombs perhaps reference to targeted articles at Nunes
4. Q says it’s showtime...previews are over...get comfy and enjoy the show...Watch for a big drop tomorrow #qanon#wwg1wga
6. Big #qanon drop. Looks like Q laying out what’s in the 20 pages of classified FISA material. Lots to decipher but big picture makes it easier. Major spy operation involving all parts of Obama admin and UK MI6 as well as May’s admin. #qanon#wwg1wga@potus
7. Whitehuse individuals involved in spygate included Hussein, Valerie Jarrett, John Brennan, Samantha Powers, John Kerry. They worked with HRC and DNC. Within CIA Brennan led the charge And 5 others who are classified helped him spy on Trump. NSA played along. #qanon#wwg1wga
8. Director of National Intelligence headed by James Clapper was involved in spy gate as well. DNI and Cia reported to HRC, DNC and Whitehouse. Dept of Justice was involved as well. Included Loretta Lynch. Some of the initials that follow are CS or Chuck Schumer...#qanon
9. Peter Strzok, James Comey, possibly Bill Clinton. Point being several senior members of DOJ involved in spygate and there were connections apparently to the UK within DOJ. Several senior advisors in FBI were involved and will be exposed by FISA warrant. #qanon#wwg1wga
10. DOJ senior advisors reported to Bill Clinton and FBI senior advisors reported to HRC and BC. FBI would then leak false intel news to msm who would report fake news to public. McCain would apparently leak Potus daily briefing to media. Chuck Schumer connected to Fusion GPS
Fusion and Perkins were shell companies hiding McCain and Chuck Schumers involvement in Dossier I think. HRC Podesta amd Debbie Blabbermoutb Schultz were receiving intel from UK MI6 who was helping spy on Potus. Schumer is connected to MI6 somehow as well. #qanon#wwg1wga
12. Tarmac was final meeting of 4 meetings wrapping up the plan. BC told LL HRC would appoint her to Supreme Court if she dropped charges against HRC. Hussein issued 3 exec orders allowing bottom to top declass and unmask identities who were surveilled. UK spied on US citizens...
13. ...and fed intel to CIA. I know this is a rough interpretation of this post but it will be clearer in coming days. Qanon did the same thing a while back and we learned the meaning through future disclosures. Wow. A lot of info. Treason! #qanon#wwg1wga@potus
13. WOH! #Qanon just dropped a phone number to the National human trafficking hotline and posted “Clinton Foundation”! Probably has something to do with the unmarked 747s flying in and out of Little Rock last two days. Heads up! #wwg1wga
14. I saw where @LisaMei62 posted this summary of a few of the abbreviations from the boards. Helps decipher the post.
15. A few weeks ago I prepared a detailed thread on #Qanons posts about the involvement of the Clinton Foundation in human trafficking. Think Haiti...Laura Silsby...John Podesta...pizzagate...James Alefantis...Jeffrey Epstein...Lolita Island...Rachel Chandler...#wwg1wga
16. SY= Sally Yates; CS= Chris Steele although also may be used for Schumer once or twice; LP=Lisa Page; HA=Huma Abedin; JR= Jim Rybecki; AM= Andrew McCabe; MS=Steinbach; BS= Bill Priestap; JB= Jim Baker; MK= Mike Kortan; BO= Bruce Ohr; SM= Sally Moyer; TG= Gauhar; KC= Klinesmith
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2. #Qanon links to Bloomberg article - new evidence of hacked supermicro hardware found in US telecom...shows china sabotaged tech components bound for US...China has essentially declared war on the US by doing this...Q then confirms where photo of Feinstein vehicle likely taken
3. Guangzhou is the silicon valley of hardware in China; Feinstein is Senator in California where silicon valley is located...Google and China are interconnected through US Silicon valley and Guangzhou; and now the Chinese spy driving Feinstein's car ties into the equation
4. So it appears Feinstein's Chinese driver (who was a spy) was the bridge enabling China to have access to our hardware and install defective chips into our hardware courtesy of Feinstein...SICK TREASON! Now we see why Goog was so willing to bend over backwards to accommodate...
1. There is a massive unseen battle raging in this world right now. There's a reason #Qanon posted Ephesians chapter 6 verses 10-18 from the Bible in May and then again in August of this year. As Q said in one of his first posts almost a year ago, many in our govt worship Satan.
2. I have to remind myself every week that all the evil we are seeing from the Deep State in this country and in this world is driven by a much more powerful, dark, and sinister force...Satan...There is a reason the @POTUS surrounds himself not only with military generals, but...
3...also Christians...devoted Christians who have a genuine faith in Jesus Christ...(think Mike Pompeo, VP Pence, @GenFlynn, Sarah Sanders, Ben Carson, Rick Perry, and many more). This was intentional on his part and not just for political purposes. Q has recognized more than...
1. #Qanon uses a great meme we were circulating on Friday around Twitter except Q crosses out "after" and inserts "before"...Ford was tossed out by the Dems but not without a hefty million from a few Gofundme accounts...sick and evil people...Feinstein's true colors on display
2. Google, FB, and Twitter "accidentally" allowed user data to be exposed to the tune of millions of accounts...#Qanon is saying this was intentional to allow the Dims to gather up info to target potential voters...this is so sick...I am so sick and tired of the cheating by Dims!
3. The Dims know that that #Qanon posted several months ago "mid terms are safe" meaning rigged Soros voting machines will not be in play for mid terms. So what do they do...they just steal private info to blanket millions of people with false ads and scare tactics about Repubs
Like Liz said, please spread the word...today is the 2 year anniversary of #pizzagate...Podesta/HRC emails were dropped by Wikileaks this day October 2016. I’ll never forget reading those emails and thinking what the heck is this dude’s fascination with pizza and pasta all about?
2. And of course shortly thereafter I wanted to throw up as I scrolled through Comet Pizza and James Alefantis Instagram photos. My wife was next to me and we were in tears looking at the photos of children and babies and how he referred to them as sex objects and inuendo.
3. Here we are 2 years later and God has answered so many of our prayers. We are at the precipice or seeing justice poured out on evil pedophile traffickers at the highest positions of power in the world thanks to @realDonaldTrump, our military and s a few brave men and women..
1. Boom Week ahead...#qanon#wwg1wga. Let it rain....freedom is never free
2. This is big. Fox News interview of Rep Nunes. He lays out exactly what #Qanon telling us for months. Michae Susanna, the head DNC lawyer received dirt (untrue info) on @Potus from Christopher Steele former MI6 agent of UK intel who received it from Russians. Sussman then...
3...fed this dirt to James Baker Gen Counsel of Fbi who then used the false info to obtain fisa warrant on Carter Page from fisa court and never told fisa court about source of info from DNC operatives. McCabe claiming Rosenstein offered to wear wire when meeting with @Potus..
1. Looks like #qanon and @potus having a Kavanaugh nomination waiting party...I’d say they’re cracking open a few beers but @POTUS doesn’t drink. Maybe am Odouls...#voterepublican#walkaway
2. And the Dims are on to their next victims to push their next narrative...Russia...we all knew they’d throw her to the curve. Just a matter of time. #qanon#wwg1wga
3. This is what the Dims do...they could care less about women or victims... they abuse victims and use them for their own evil purposes....always to advance power. #qanon#wwg1wga