We live in a society that preaches gender equality, there is no such thing it is a myth. #EmmaHusar#auspol
If you have been shamed or humiliated and are a woman that person doing it wants to control your options and reduce your choices.That person wants to wreck havoc on your life. #EmmaHusar#auspol
We question the journalists for writing what they did talk about was the allegations verified . We dont need to verify what goes on in a woman's personal life it is none of our business none at all . Shut up #EmmaHusar#auspol
People say oh she was not a good office manager not a biggy
Wrong it is not about that. Stop being caught in the distraction. #EmmaHusar#auspol
Alice Workman and any journalist who supported the articles are contributing to the public humiliation of a woman.
You harm all women, you make it harder for woman & support the double standards in our society. You contribute to the vilification of women
2/ @DavidLeyonhjelm doesn't want to take responsibility cos he thinks he is admitting guilt and he justifies it by saying
What’s the big deal?” he thinks it is showing vulnerability or weakness. #auspol#VAW#RespectWomen
Apologies are hard for guys like @DavidLeyonhjelm
He doesn't see most men as equals why would he see women as co-equals. Especially a woman who annoy him.